Move over the brinjal bharta; Try These 5 Eggplant Curries for Lunch

The ideal meal for a weekday is dal, rice, sabzi and roti! With different dal and vegetable combinations every day, we get to enjoy a wholesome and wholesome meal that will soothe our soul and build our body. One vegetable that is often eaten as a vegetable is brinjal! While not many people enjoy this vegetable, this vegetable can be turned into some of the most delicious dishes in Indian cuisine. And when we say dishes, we don’t just mean eggplant fillings! You can stuff brinjal with spicy spices and have stuffed brinjal, cook brinjal in curd and you will get Odia dish – Dahi Baingan!

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5 Eggplant Vegetables For A Delicious Mid-Week Lunch:

1. Eggplant Fry

Popularly known as Begun Bhaja in the eastern part of India, it is one of the most favorite accompaniments in the cuisine of the region. What makes this aubergine dish a delicious treat is definitely the crispy outer crust and delicate inner flesh infused with spices that melts in the mouth as soon as you bite into it.

Click here for the full recipe for Eggplant Fries.

2. Stuffed Eggplant

Bharwa Brinjal is also known as Bharli Vangi in Marathi. Stuffed brinjals are fried and then served in a rich and thick gravy. You can serve it with roti, naan or rice as per your choice. The mouth-watering recipe can be a little time-consuming, but it is totally worth it.

Click here for the full recipe for Bharwa Baingan.

3.Achari Brinjal

In this recipe, deep fried baby brinjals are fried and then doused in a pungent spice that leaves your tongue tingling. Serve this brinjal recipe with spicy lachha parantha or naan, and you will have a delicious lunch to eat with the family.

Click here for the complete Achari Baingan recipe.

4.Bagda Brinjal Masala

A true-blue Indian dish, bagara brinjal masala (baghar-e-baingan) is a Hyderabadi special dish served as a side dish with biryani. Fried brinjals are cooked in a spicy, tangy gravy with a variety of spices. It is a perfect curry dish to serve with biryani or rice for your next meal.

For the full recipe for Bagara Baingan Masala, click here.


5. Curd Eggplant

As the name suggests, the main ingredients of this Odia dish are curd and brinjal. Dahi Brinjal is a sour dish and is often served with Odia thali. Tangi curry is prepared by stuffing eggplant with lots of spices and cooking it in curd gravy.

Click here for the complete recipe for Dahi Brinjal.

Try these eggplant recipes and tell us which one is your favorite!