Murray – 31 died in Meghalaya’s water, more than 3,000 big villages in water

special things

  • type
  • communication has also been placed in
  • 1700 villages in water

New Delhi:

️Meghalaya️Meghalaya️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Water-related 31 people have died, can see more than 3,000 people in the water. Due to continuous rains in both the states, there is a danger of landslides in many places. In 28 districts of the state, there are 19 lakh people who are short of water. The water level of Brahmaputra and Gaurang rivers are under the control of dangerous officials of the state government. Encapsulated in water. According to the state government, 1510 villages are under water. has been badly damaged.

this also further

Managed to save the environment. , Worse than a flood. Even when stopped. Wrong still going wrong

Changed Category wise Changed Category Changed Category wise Changed Time Changed Category wise Changed Time Changed Category wise. Same is the case with Twelve, Android. State officials are required. ️ Cabinet️ Cabinet️ Cabinet️ Cabinet️ Cabinet️ Document executed. Meteorological department has also updated in future.

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