Musk’s Humor

Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk, known for his typically edgy tweets, took a swipe at Parag Agarwal as Twitter CEO after Jack Dorsey took over this week. have taken. They tweeted a meme, in which Aggarwal and Dorsey’s faces are superimposed on a photo of Soviet supremo Joseph Stalin along with his secret-police chief Nikolai Yezhov, who was believed to have been a friend of the two before they parted ways. Used to look after the “Great Pure”. for Stalin for allegedly conspiring against him. Another rendition of that photo put up by Musk shows Dorsey being airbrushed and a splash in the river.

It’s not very clear what Musk was alluding to, but his meme portrays Agarwal’s ascent to the top of Twitter as some kind of extreme left-wing takeover that could result in ideological censorship and board member Dorsey. can be removed from any position of power in the firm. If so, it qualifies as a clumsy attempt to play into right-wing American galleries, which has fueled previous comments by Agarwal on religion and race to accuse him of being a liberal lie-promoter. Whatever Musk was talking about, that could have been said without any exaggeration.

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