Mustard oil is good for kitchen but no clean chit yet on whether it is good for heart

Representative Image | A farmer in a mustard field on the outskirts of Jaipur. Photo: Prashant Viswanathan | bloomberg

Form of words:

MMustard oil is one of the favorite ingredients used in Indian cuisine. It is distinguished for its aroma and strong taste, but it is the high smoke point of around 480 F that makes mustard oil the primary choice for frying or frying in the kitchens of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China and other parts of South Asia. Is. .

nutritional composition

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of mustard oil contains 884 calories, 11% Saturated fat Of these, 59% is monounsaturated fat (MUFA) and 21% is polyunsaturated fat (PUFA). Mustard oil contains MUFA Calm 30-40% erucic acid and 20-28% oleic acid; 9 to 9.5% of PUFA is omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and 10-12% is omega-6 linoleic acid.

Heart Brains

Mustard oil is considered cardio-protective due to its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are found in discount Risk of heart diseases.

However, the beneficial aspect of mustard oil for protecting heart health is controversial.

A 2004 Study In 350 cases of acute myocardial infarction by Tanuja Rastogi and colleagues from India, the consumption of mustard oil containing alpha-linolenic acid was associated with a lower risk than the use of sunflower oil.

2019 review Study Rupendra Kaur and colleagues suggest that mustard oil reduces the adhesive impulses in blood platelets, which is helpful in reducing the risk of heart failure.

In a randomized control trial, Shyam Prakash and colleagues examined the effects of two types of mustard oil among 350 participants. Type-I contained erucic acid and glucosinolate and type-II was absent from these two components. Author informed ofType-I mustard oil lowered serum triglycerides and increased HDL cholesterol compared to type-II oil.

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opposite of this

a 2016 comparative Study The association between consumption of ghee and mustard oil among 137 people aged 40–80 years by Soumen Manna and colleagues found that coronary heart disease was 50.9% higher among participants who consumed mustard oil.

a 2018 Study Hanjabam Sharma from India and colleagues involving 200 healthy men found that consumption of ghee “was associated with lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than those who consumed higher amounts of mustard oil.”

Significantly, mustard oil has been banned for cooking purposes in countries like Europe, America and Canada and only used for external purposes such as skin care, hair treatment and massage.

Decade-long Experimental Animal Study suggested that the consumption of erucic acid caused heart damage. Food and Drug Administration, US, ne Forbidden Mustard oil prevents cooking due to its high erucic acid level (20-40%), which met To damage the heart in male rats. In a 2016 scientific report, the European Food Safety Authority are linked Long-term exposure to erucic acid in young rats with myocardial lipidosis. A technical report addressing the toxicological review and risk assessment of erucic acid by Food Standards Australia New Zealand revealed Their concern for human health with erucic acid due to several experimental reports linking erucic acid and heart lesions in rats.

Fumiyaki and colleagues examined the possible association between long-chain monounsaturated fatty acid exposure, such as erucic acid and cetoleic acid, and incident congestive heart failure (CHF) among 7,271 participants in 2013. Author met A positive association between higher incidence of CHF and long chain fatty acids.

Read also: Is Canola, Soybean, Sunflower Oil Better Than Ghee or Butter? not necessary

other benefits

Although there are mixed reports on the use of mustard oil as a cooking medium, other benefits of mustard oil include inhibiting microbial growth, reducing inflammation, reducing joint pain and cell growth in some types of cancer. includes stopping.

Mustard essential oil is a potent antimicrobial agent as reported by several studies. a 2016 comparative Study The correlation between cinnamon essential oil and mustard essential oil indicated that the latter had “10 times greater bactericidal/bacteriostatic effect than cinnamon essential oil.”

A 2015 test tube study evaluating the antifungal effect of black mustard essential oil met Oil to prevent mold growth in bread-type product for 30 days.

Mustard oil is anti-inflammatory due to the presence of omega 3 alpha linolenic acid. A 2012 meta-analysis by Young-Ho Lee and colleagues analyzed 10 randomized control trials involving 183 rheumatoid arthritis patients and concluded The use of >2.7 g/day omega-3 PUFAs over three months reduced consumption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs among participants.

A study involving 60 rural women aged 51–55 years from Puducherry, India (Remya Mohan, 2014) met to reduce knee painhandjob Massaging with warm mustard oil is an early sign of osteoarthritis. However, it is advisable to do a patch test by applying a small amount to check for any allergic reaction.

A 2010 study by Arup Bhattacharya and colleagues met Allyl isothiocyanate, a compound found in mustard oil, inhibited the development of bladder cancer in lab rats by 34.5%.

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consumption guidelines

Controversial evidence on the consumption of mustard oil has divided the scientific community over giving it a ‘clean chit’.Raw Ghani‘ (cold pressed) mustard oil as a cooking medium for universal use in India or other South Asian countries. The ban on this oil by the European Union, the USFDA, means that more convincing evidence is needed to prove mustard oil safe for consumption.

ground level

Due to the presence of high erucic acid, the safe use of mustard oil as a flavoring agent should be limited until we have solid food safety data. Families consuming mustard oil regularly should reduce their consumption by turning to other cooking mediums such as ghee, coconut oil, cold pressed groundnut or groundnut oil.

Dr. Subhashree Ray is a Doctoral Scholar (Ketogenic Diet), Certified Diabetes Educator, and a Clinical and Public Health Nutritionist. She tweets @DrSubhasree. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Prashant Dixit)

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