’My dream house’: This AI-generated burger-themed house sparks viral craze | Today News

After pizza, burgers are no doubt the most loved fast food across the world. The juicy patty of ground meat grilled or sometimes another savoury ingredient placed between two halves of a bun, that melts in our mouth can never be forgotten. Now imagine if you are offered to live in a burger-themed home where everything, including furniture and all other home-décor around you, is inspired by the delicious burgers, don’t it seems like a fairy tale.

A recent AI-generated video on Instagram showcasing a burger-themed house has captured the imaginations of millions online. The viral video, which features an exterior view of a giant hamburger, takes viewers inside a burger-themed home where everything is inspired by this beloved fast food. The viral video takes us to the living area, which has a sofa shaped like a burger, a bedroom with a burger-shaped bed, and a bathroom filled with yellow liquid cheese in the bathtub. Not only the bedroom and bathroom but also the kitchen and outdoor swimming pool of the house are designed with burger motifs.

The caption attached to the viral video reads, “If only every door led to hamburgers.”

The viral video has amassed over 33 million views, 7.61 k likes and has even caught the attention of McDonald’s official Instagram page.

Reacting to the viral video, McDonald‘s Brazil’s official Instagram page posted, “O designer de interiores no seu dia menos fa do Mequinho,” which translates to English as, “The interior designer is like a little girl who is a fan of hamburgers.”

Netzines reaction

One user called the innovation “Homeburger,” while another commented that, “I can imagine the smell.”

Another user posted, “Amazing! Waiting for the French fries house,” the third one reacted”That’s one food I could survive on my whole life.”Several users appreciated the AI-generated burger-themed house and commented, “My dream house.”“I bet the burger king lives there” commented another user.

People across the globe, express their love for burgers–the top third most loved fast food– in unique ways.Recently, a woman revealed that she had preserved a McDonald’s burger from 1996 and a surprising claim that it remains edible even after two decades.