“My Eyes May Be Small, But…”: The Humor Of Nagaland’s Minister Still Wins The Internet

The post garnered over 4,600 likes and hundreds of comments.

Nagaland minister Temjen Imna Along needs no introduction now. She has been popular on social media ever since she made lewd comments about being “little eyes” and being single. Now, Mr Imna Along has shared a picture of himself on Twitter, saying that he is always “ready to pose” and that he can see a camera from a mile away even with small eyes.

“My eyes may be small, but I can see the camera from a mile. Always be ready. Plus I can see you smiling as I read this!” The Nagaland minister wrote in a funny way in the caption of the post.

Take a look below:

Mr Imna Along shared the picture on Sunday morning, and within hours, the post garnered more than 4,600 likes and hundreds of comments. Internet users flooded the comment section with laughing emojis.

One user wrote, ‘No doubt you always make us laugh. Another said, “Temjenji, you are the most attractive minister in your part of India. This is a welcome move.”

A third commented, “The most charming and entertaining minister in all of India… period!! More power to you, Temjen ji,” while a fourth said, “a leader with a golden heart and humour”.

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Shri Inma Along is the Minister of Higher Education and Tribal Affairs of Nagaland and State President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He is indeed an internet sensation. Earlier, he had also shared a Photo In which he was seen surrounded by a group of people trying to take selfie with him.

In the caption, he joked that meditation makes him feel like a “celeb”. “When you’re cute and single, you attract paparazzi everywhere,” the minister said in his tweet.

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