Myanmar skips ASEAN summit after ousting its military ruler – Times of India

Kuala Lumpur: Southeast Asian leaders begin their annual summit without myanmar On Tuesday, amid a diplomatic standoff over the exclusion of the military-ruled nation’s leader from group meetings.
Myanmar skips the summit in protest of the Association of Southeast Asian NationsASEAN) Throw your top general out of his meetings.
ASEAN refuses to allow senior general min ang Representing Myanmar at the summit was the harshest rebuke ever from the country’s military rulers as they ousted civilian leader Aung San. soo kyu in February.
Brunei, which this year is the chair of the 10-member bloc, invited Myanmar’s highest-ranking veteran diplomat Chan Aye as a “non-political” representative, but she did not attend the meeting, Indonesian foreign minister said. retno marsudi told reporters in Jakarta.
Marsudi said President Joko Widodo told the summit that the unprecedented drop in Myanmar’s participation by ASEAN was “a difficult decision but it had to be made.”
Despite the basic principles of non-interference in the affairs of other ASEAN members and unanimous decision-making, Widodo stated that it is “obliged to uphold other principles in the ASEAN Charter such as democracy, good governance, human rights and respect for constitutional government”. It is,” said Marsudi.
“As a family, ASEAN help should still be given to Myanmar, Indonesia continues to hope that democracy can be quickly restored to Myanmar through an inclusive process,” he quoted Widodo as saying.
Myanmar’s military takeover triggered widespread protests and violent crackdown by the authorities. Security forces have estimated the casualties at around 1,200 civilians, although the government has claimed the death toll to be low.
After Myanmar’s absence at the summit, its military leaders refused to allow an ASEAN special envoy, Brunei’s second foreign minister, Eriwan Yusuf, to meet Suu Kyi and other detained civilian leaders.
Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told the summit that the Myanmar crisis was a test of ASEAN’s ability to solve its regional problems, Thai government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said.
Thanakorn said Prayut expressed hope that Myanmar would rely on ASEAN and allow Eriwan to meet all relevant parties, an important first step in resolving the crisis.
The three-day talks, which are taking place by video due to coronavirus concerns, will be attended by US President Joe Biden and other world leaders, including the leaders of China and Russia. This will be the first time since 2017 that a US President has attended an ASEAN summit. These meetings are expected to shed light on Myanmar’s worsening crisis as well as other regional security and economic issues.
While ASEAN took a major step to oust Min Aung Hling from the summit, the Human Rights of ASEAN MPs, a group of lawmakers working to reform rights in the region, on Tuesday blocked Myanmar’s opposition National Unity Government. urged to join. The NUG sees itself as a shadow government and sought to participate in the ASEAN summit.
The group said in a statement, “As long as the violence does not end, all political prisoners are released, and the will of the people for full democracy is heard, ASEAN will not be allowed any other junta representatives.” Invitations to all ASEAN official meetings should stop.”
On Monday, a senior US official held a virtual meeting with two representatives of NUG. National Security Advisor Jake sullivan “America continues to support the pro-democracy movement” and expressed concern over military violence.
Sullivan said Washington would continue to demand the release of all those “unjustly detained”, including prominent pro-democracy activist Jimmy Ko, who was arrested in a raid on Saturday.


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