Nadakasi, the mountain gorilla whose photobomb selfie went viral, 14. I died

Nadakasi breathed his last in the arms of his caretaker and lifelong friend Andre Bauma.

Nadakasi, a mountain gorilla from Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is once again in the news. This time update will break your heart. The 14-year-old gorilla has died of a prolonged illness. Nadkashi rose to fame When she posed for a selfie of her Forest Ranger in 2019. This photo then went viral on the internet.

Forest officials shared this news through a statement released on Instagram. “It is with great sadness that Virunga announces the death of the beloved orphaned mountain gorilla, Nadakasi, who had been under the care of the park’s Cenquewe Center for more than a decade,” it read.

Nadakasi breathed his last in the arms of his caretaker and lifelong friend Andre Bauma. Mr. Bauma was taken care of Nadakashi since 2007. She was only two years old when rangers saw her lying on the body of his dead mother. Rangers understood that she was too weak to return to the wild. Therefore, he was brought to the orphaned mountain gorilla center.

Mr. Bauma said Statement“It was a privilege to have the support and care of such a loving creature, especially knowing that Nadakashi suffered trauma at a very young age.” He further said that Nandkashi’s sweet nature and intelligence helped him to connect with the great apes and made him understand why humans needed to protect him with all his might.

“I am proud to call Nadakashi my friend,” said Mr. Bauma. “I loved her like a child and her cheerful personality brought a smile to my face every time I interacted with her.”

Before Nadakashi went viral on the internet, he was featured in several TV shows and documentaries. She was also a part of the documentary titled Virunga. Let’s take a quick recap of the viral picture that brought her to global attention. In the picture, two female mountain gorillas are seen standing on their feet and posing for the camera. While Park Ranger Mathew Shamavu took the selfie, a gorilla stood tall in a power pose. The other leaned forward to look at himself in the frame.

NS Photo It was shared on Facebook with the caption, “Another day at the office.”

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