Naltrexone may help reduce incidence of excessive drinking: Research

Last Update: February 28, 2023, 18:04 IST

Binge drinking is considered a major risk factor for alcohol-related diseases and injuries.

A recent study found that taking a dose of the drug naltrexone before consuming alcohol may help reduce the risk of binge drinking.

Consuming too much alcohol can cause extreme damage to our body and especially to our liver. An unhealthy liver cannot filter toxins properly and this can lead to more problems. But can any medicine help reduce alcohol addiction and neutralize the tendency to drink? A recent study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry suggested that taking a dose of the drug naltrexone before consuming alcohol may help reduce binge drinking scenarios.

The New York Times reports that naltrexone may be the key to slowly ending alcoholism. In a randomized, double-blind control trial, half of 120 men received naltrexone and half received a placebo. The 12-week long study concluded with clear results that those who were given naltrexone reported less drinking and consumed less alcohol than the other group. The test was so successful that the effect of naltrexone was maintained for six months.

The reason behind this effect of naltrexone is the efficacy of the drug stem that blocks endorphins and reduces the euphoria of the addict. In simple words, when the pleasure spots of the brain are blocked, the “high” that is usually felt after drinking is not felt and hence the need to drink is reduced.

Binge drinking is considered a major risk factor for alcohol-related diseases and injuries. It also increases a person’s chances of becoming dependent on alcohol and developing an alcohol disorder. The study was published in December 2022 and brings hope to heavy drinkers as the drug worked and the side effect of nausea was not severe in any of the participants.

Glenn-Milo Santos, a professor at the University of California, San Francisco and lead author of the study, said in a statement that patients can discuss treatment opinions with their doctors as he emphasized raising awareness about the drug. The researchers also reported that taking naltrexone on an as-needed basis rather than a daily dose would help people get used to the drug better because it would allow dopamine levels to recover between uses.

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