Nancy Pelosi casts shadow on US one-China policy – Times of India

Washington: US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flew out Taiwan After a standout in the face of Beijing’s fury, during a visit he cast a shadow over Washington’s one-China policy by promising “ironclad support for Taiwan’s democracy, including on matters of security and stability”.
In support of US military defenses, Pelosi flew out of Taipei after a trip that shook global geopolitics, even as China threatened consequences and called Taiwan “marine and airborne”. “Blockade” compared with Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense took steps to punish.
“Our discussions with the Taiwanese leadership reaffirm our support for our partner and promote our shared interests, including advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region. America’s solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan earlier today more important than ever, as the world faces a crisis. Choice between autocracy and democracy,” tweeted Pelosi, the first female speaker in US history, attacking authoritarian China from Taiwan and claiming that Taiwan is a separate country. No, but one of its provinces.
Taiwan’s President in a separate tweet sai Ing-wen, herself the country’s first female president and a nationalist, shared photos of her meeting with Pelosi, saying, “It was a pleasure to meet [Speaker Pelosi] And recognize their longstanding support for Taiwan.
“Your visit not only reflects the strong support of the US Congress for the bilateral relationship, but it also sends a message to the world that democracy stands together to meet common challenges,” Sai wrote.
Pelosi’s controversial visit has put a major question mark on the strategic ambiguity that Washington has long practiced: one that balances a one-China policy while at the same time pledging to support Taiwan’s defense. Codified in the act – if Beijing tries to take it with force.
Pelosi, an 82-year-old grandmother of nine children and mother of five, effectively disregarded President Biden’s advice not to proceed with his stopover even as Beijing went ballistic, registering US ambassador to China Nick Burns. Called for midnight. Oppose it.
Washington tried to soften Pelosi’s prick, telling Beijing not to initiate the crisis as a precedent for the Speaker of the House, not many US lawmakers who have visited Taiwan in years. but then the speaker newt gingrichThe visit took place in 1997, 25 years ago, when the world was a different place: China was a small Asian power eager for good relations with Washington and the US to ride high in a post-Cold War polar world, was eager for vengeance.
While much has changed since then, Pelosi also brought a gender angle to China’s cynicism on her visit, pointing out in a joint appearance with Tsai that “he said nothing when the (Beijing) men arrived” from the US senator. Lindsey Graham, Bob Menendez, Richard BurrowBen Sasse, Rob PortmanAnd Ronnie Jackson visited Taiwan in April of this year.
But Pelosi is different. His visit is the culmination of his long years of activism on the Chinese front, which have troubled Beijing, including his closeness with the Dalai Lama, whom he discovered during a 2008 visit to India in Dharamsala.
As legislator and House speaker, he has honored the Tibetan leader several times in collaboration with actor Richard Gere. Uma Thurman To raise awareness on the Tibet issue among others. His legislative district in San Francisco is 32 percent Asian (44 percent White), with many Chinese dissidents and Taiwanese/Tibetan nationalists.
Going back and forth, he angered Beijing in 1991, long before his legislative career, when he unveiled a pro-democracy banner during a visit by a congressional delegation to China, where he sought to crush it: Tiananmen Square. The Chinese police chased him away but his stance against communist China grew to such an extent that he even challenged Bill Clinton’s business access and housing, which some analysts now say triggered America’s industrial collapse.
The realization and regret of that moment and everything that followed is such that despite the current bitter and divisive politics in Washington, Republican leader Mitch McConnell and 25 GOP senators issued a joint statement on Tuesday praising Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.