NASA plans to conduct final tests for Artemis 1 SLS launch in June

NASA plans to make another attempt to test the Artemis 1 SLS rocket in early June for the last time before launching it into space. The space agency said it will bring the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft to the launchpad at Kennedy Space Center in Florida in early June for the next wet dress rehearsal effort. A wet dress rehearsal involves following all launch-day procedures, including loading the propellant, without actually launching the mission. The purpose of this activity is to detect any problems with the system and fix them in time for the actual launch.

Launch of, with June as the target of the next test attempt Artemis 1 The unnamed mission is expected to be pushed back again. Ambitious mission to send humans moon Its timeline has faced several delays. on the first flight, NASA will not send astronauts but orion The spacecraft will fly around our nearest celestial neighbor to study it.

NASA, in blog postsaid its engineers have successfully addressed issues identified during SLS’s previous rehearsal efforts, including a liquid hydrogen system leak. “The next weight dress rehearsal is planned approximately 14 days after the rocket reaches the pad,” it said. NASA officials said they’re aiming for a launch window in August.

Previous attempts to organize weight dress rehearsals were either halted or delayed due to technical issues. agency first late Final testing scheduled for April 4 after identifying problems with the helium check valve. A Second attempt, on 14 April, was stopped after a leak was discovered during liquid hydrogen loading operations. The rocket had to be moved back to the Vehicle Assembly Building for troubleshooting.

sls is designed to be the most powerful rocket ever made And it can carry more payloads to deep space than any other vehicle. NASA plans to use it for human exploration of the Moon Mars planetsend more robotic missions Saturn planet And Jupiter,