Naveen: TN boy chases mobile phone thief. Chennai News – Times of India

Tuticorin: Sa latest, class 6 student kovilpatti The city is being praised as a hero for chasing down the thief who snatched the phone from his younger brother on Sunday.
Though the thief escaped, the boy managed to retrieve another stolen phone that had fallen from the thief’s pocket. appreciate their courage Kovilpatti West Police Along with a memento, and his story was also shared on social media.
Police said that Sundara Pandian’s family lives on Bharati Nagar 3rd Street in Kovilpatti town. On Sunday afternoon, his son Naveen and class IV student S Chejian were playing with some other boys in front of their house. Chezhian had a smartphone in his hand and was snatched by an unidentified man, aged around 25.
Chezhian shouted and alerted his brother Naveen who was a few feet away. Naveen reacted immediately and started chasing the thief and shouted and asked him to return the phone. The boy of about 10 years kept running after the thief for about 50 meters. Naveen saw a smartphone falling from the pocket of the man and returned home with it as he could not track down the thief.
Realizing that it was another phone call, Sundara Pandian took her son to the Kovilpatti West police in the evening and lodged a complaint about the theft of their mobile phone. On dialing the contacts in another phone, the police learned that the thief had robbed a house in a neighboring street that same afternoon. When the owner of the phone searched the phone, the theft came to light only after calling the police.
Case was registered. Police is trying to identify the thief CCTV With the help of footage and cybercrime police.


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