Navratri 2021: 7 Easy Vrat-Special Breakfast Recipes You Can Make at Home

The country is all set to celebrate Sharad Navratri starting from 7th October to 15th October. The nine-day festival is spent in devotion to Goddess Durga and hence many devotees abstain from meat and alcohol. Many will observe a fast in honor of the nine forms of Goddess Durga and eat sattvik or non-onion, no-garlic food. Onion, garlic, cereals among other things are avoided during fasting and we often feel that our food options are limited to sabudana khichdi and kuttu puri. but not anymore! Because today we bring you a select list of some unique and exciting breakfast options that you can enjoy during your fast. These recipes are so delicious and easy that you will be making them even when you are not fasting.

Navratri 2021: Here are 7 fast-special breakfast recipes

1. Sweet Farali Pancakes:

Who doesn’t love round and fluffy pancakes for breakfast? Added bonus if they’re fast-friendly and healthy, right? This pancakes recipe uses samva millet and buckwheat along with banana, coconut and jaggery. Enjoy this fluffy goodness for breakfast, Click here for the recipe.

Navratri 2021: Fasting Friendly Pancake Recipes for Breakfast

2. Radish Thepla :

Moving on to another round and bland breakfast that we all love- theplas, but with a fast-friendly spin. Mooli Theplas are basically flatbread made from radish leaves and spices. Singhare flour, samak rice, boiled potatoes, ginger and desi ghee are used in this. Try this delicious breakfast Click here for the recipe.

3. Aloo Paratha:

Aloo Paratha needs no introduction; This is the quintessential North Indian breakfast which has a strong fan following across the country. You might think you should give up your favorites for the next nine days? Wrong! Because this recipe uses buckwheat flour and rock salt, which make it fast-friendly. Mash the boiled potatoes and spices together and fry in lots of desi ghee and enjoy! read recipe here.

(Also read: )

4. Sabudana Tikki :

How can we forget the fasting essential sago in this list? But don’t worry, this is not the same old sabudana khichdi that we are serving, rather it is a delicious and crunchy sabudana tikki that will feel like a match made in heaven with your morning or evening tea. try it todayher easy recipe here.

5. Buckwheat Flour Pizza:

We’re sure you’re a pizza lover like every one of us – and that’s why we bring you a delicious fast-friendly pizza recipe that can be enjoyed as breakfast or dinner. As the name suggests, this recipe uses buckwheat flour as the base and other fasting vegetables, paneer pieces and mozzarella for the topping. Want to try it? Click here for the recipe.

6. Samak Dosa:

Samak Dosa is an easy and low-calorie dish that can be eaten during fasting. Dosa is made with suma rice and Singhare flour, the delicious stuffing is made with mashed potatoes fried in ghee, cumin, green chillies, coriander and some ginger. try to make it today, Click here for the recipe.


Navratri 2021: Vrat Freedly Dosa Recipe for Breakfast

7. Vratwale Rice Dhokla:

Pillows and tangy dhokla are loved by everyone, making it a rich and comforting breakfast option for not only Gujaratis but also for foodies everywhere. Now you can make fasting dhokla and enjoy it in the days to come. All you need to garnish is Samvat rice, curd, curry leaves, ginger, green chillies and coriander and you are ready for the day. Click here for the recipe.

(Also read:)

There you have it, try these delicious and quick fasting-friendly breakfast recipes for the next nine days.

Happy Navratri 2021 to all!


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