Navratri 2021: How to make fasting samosas

Navratri 2021 is here! People all over India are preparing for this festival with great joy and enthusiasm. The most important part of celebrating any festival is the food we eat. Food is what connects people and food is what makes a celebration feel like a celebration. Especially in Navratri, this festival is celebrated by keeping a fast and eating only food suitable for the fast. Some of the rules of fasting during Navratri are to avoid flour, avoid salt and avoid onion and garlic. With these simple rules in mind, we’ve come up with a fast-paced recipe for making samosas. Now you will not have to starve during the time of tea during Navratri.

These samosas are filled with chironji.

How to make fasting samosas. Singhare Atta Ke Samosa Recipe:

The recipe of these samosas is divided into two parts. The first part involves making the filling and the second part involves making the dough.

Since this samosa is fasting, the filling cannot be made using potatoes. We will be using Chironji for this recipe. Grind the chironji. Heat ghee in a pan and fry cumin seeds. Once it starts crackling, add chironji, chilli powder, coriander powder, white rock salt and cardamom powder. Stuffing is ready.

Read also: Navratri 2021: When is Sharad Navratri? date, time and importance; 5 fasting rules to follow

Boil water, ghee and a pinch of white rock salt. Add Singhare flour, arrowroot and mix well in water. On low flame, keep stirring while adding the flour. Let the dough cool down. Start rolling the dough into samosa shape and fill it with filling. Seal the samosas. Deep fry the samosas till they turn golden.

Click here for the step by step recipe of Vrat Friendly Samosas.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Spend this Navratri festivities eating these delicious fast-friendly samosas. Try this recipe and let us know how you liked it!

Happy Navratri 2021!


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