Nawaz Sharif’s Birthday


at Shivaji Park Uddhav celebrations at Dussehra rally Said disease on mercury. ️ Prime Minister ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️) He has said that I will speak only on Hindi. Even when the alarm goes off. Shri Ram is in our heart. On Amit Shah, the perfumer has said that Amit Shah has heard. The record has been preserved.

this also further

Uddhav said. Janmit is the government has to complete 100 days. Have you been to Delhi in 100 days? Description What is Hindutva? Let’s discuss. Only Malikajapan Air Force Chief had said that the one who is a patriot, is also a Muslim. Meaning of a party. To prepare?

Attacking Eknath Shinde, Uddhav said that ‘Jo shede woh katappa hai’. , It was said that what will happen to Shiv Sena? Confused people now question. All gels at once. Like every year, this time also Jalegang. But this time the rank is different. This is a false tune. It’s a fraud.