NCERT removes guidelines on inclusion of transgenders, non-binaries from website

NS National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) A new training manual on inclusion of transgender children in schools has been removed from its official website. This came after the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) sought to rectify “discrepancies” in the document.

“Inclusion of Transgender Children in Schooling: Concerns and Roadmaps” was a manual to educate and sensitize schools about the LGBTQ+ community and various gender orientations. It featured practices and strategies for teachers to make schools more inclusive for transgender and non-binary children. .

Read also| NCPCR asks NCERT to remove ‘discrepancies’ in gender-neutral teacher training manual

The teacher’s training manual includes provision of gender-neutral toilets and uniforms, sensitization on non-teaching staff, closure of practices that discriminate children on the basis of their gender in various school activities, reported PTI.

In a letter to NCERT, NCPCR chairman Priyank Kanungo wrote that a gender-neutral teacher training manual would deny equal rights to children of diverse biological needs. It also said that the manual suggests gender-neutral infrastructure for children that is not commensurate with their gender realities and basic needs.

“Furthermore, the idea of ​​creating and removing binaries would deprive them of the same rights as children of diverse biological needs. Second, this approach would expose children to unnecessary psychological trauma due to conflicting environments at home and school,” the letter read.

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“It is also highlighted in the manual (Chapter 3) that teachers are suggested to discuss puberty barriers with students and its availability for adolescents. In addition, the background and qualifications of the members of the drafting committee was not verified,” the letter added.

A senior education ministry official told Hindustan Times, the NCERT has informed that the manual was “still in process and it was inadvertently uploaded on the website.” The manual was produced “with all” by the Council’s Department of Gender Studies. Due consideration” and it will provide feedback to NCPCR.

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