NCP leader released pictures of Wankhede’s nikahnama

Nawab Malik releases picture of Mr. Wankhede’s nikahnama and Adhikari’s first wedding photo

continue it series of allegations Against Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) officer Sameer Wankhede, Maharashtra minister and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Nawab Malik on Monday released a photograph of Mr Wankhede. nikahnama And a photo from the officer’s first wedding.

In nikahnama, a written document signed by two Muslim partners at the time of entering into marriage, mentions the name of Mr. Wankhede as Sameer Dawood Wankhede.

The NCP leader had been claiming for over a month that Mr Wankhede had fake caste certificate To clear the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam and become an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer. Malik had said, “If my claims turn out to be false, I will quit politics.”

The Wankhede family denied the claim that the officer was a Muslim and that his father, Gyandev, had converted to Islam as Dawood. Mr Wankhede had said that his mother was a Muslim and wanted him to follow Islamic customs as well, even though his first marriage was under the Special Marriage Act.

“It’s not about their religion. But submitting a fake caste certificate was an injustice against someone from the Scheduled Caste category who was more deserving than Mr Wankhede,” Mr Malik had said.
