Neem seeds for hair: Dandruff treatment for hair fall, here’s how Neem is a wonderful herb

Image Source: Freepik Neem seeds are good for hair

Neem seeds for hair: Neem has been used since time immemorial as a magical ingredient to treat hair problems. From ancient Ayurveda to today’s haircare products, if one ingredient has remained constant it is neem. Neem is extremely beneficial not only for improving hair growth but also for removing other hair problems like dandruff, hair fall etc.

The regenerative properties of neem promote blood circulation which in turn aids in hair growth. Neem seeds are excellent hair growth stimulants as it strengthens the hair follicles and strengthens the hair from the roots.

So, if you are dreaming of long, thick and strong hair, then neem seeds are the only ingredient you need in your haircare regime to see magical results.

Here are the reasons why neem seeds are an essential ingredient for hair growth

Helps in thinning hair

Thinning of hair is one of the reasons that stunts hair growth. However, neem seeds are rich in fatty acids that provide essential nutrients to the hair roots and follicles. If neem seed oil will strengthen the hair scalp and stop hair thinning then use regularly.

treats dandruff

Mane people have to face a lot of hair loss due to unhealthy scalp and dandruff. Neem seeds have anti-fungal properties that help in treating dandruff which makes the scalp dry and itchy and contributes to hair fall. Neem seed oil can fight dandruff and help with hair growth.

stops hair fall

Excessive use of heat products, pollution, sun damage and poorly nourished hair can lead to excessive hair fall. But neem seeds have moisturizing and nourishing properties that nourish dry scalp and hair. It also helps in preventing hair breakage and thus promotes hair growth and prevents hair fall.

natural conditioner for hair

Neem seeds are packed with fatty acids that are essential for nourishing the scalp. Dry and flaky scalp leads to hair breakage and hair fall and hair looks dull and lifeless. But neem seeds are a great natural conditioner for dry hair. It nourishes the hair roots from within and promotes healthy hair.

treats damaged hair

Harsh chemicals, pollution, irregular lifestyle and unhealthy food habits contribute to damaged hair. But neem seeds can once again be of use to you. Since neem seeds contain essential nutrients and antioxidants, it deeply nourishes the hair roots. Neem seed oil is extremely beneficial for treating damaged hair and with regular use you can get healthy, shiny and thick hair.

Prevents premature whitening

Premature whitening is something that we all fear and do not wish for at all. While there are a lot of hair coloring options, neem seeds are a natural solution to this unwanted problem and a safer alternative too. The nutrients present in neem seeds help prevent premature graying.

Neem seeds are like that one-stop solution for all hair problems. Add this wonderful ingredient to your haircare routine and get long, thick and healthy hair.

(Credit of this article has been given to Ms. Arti Raghuram, Founder, Dega Organics)

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not reflect the views of India TV)

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