NEET PG 2022 exam not postponed, fake letter circulated, clarified to government

New Delhi National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) has issued an alert to the candidates appearing for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Postgraduate (NEET PG 2022) exam against spoofing notices.

Fake notice was circulated on social media and it was claimed that neet pg 2022 The exam was postponed till July 9.

NBEMS said that neet pg exam 2022 It will be held on the scheduled date- 21 May. Candidates willing to take the exam are advised to visit the official website For any updates and notices.

see notice here

The notice reads, ‘This notice has come NBEMS That some unscrupulous elements are disseminating false and bogus information by using fake notices in the name of NBEMS.” The authority further reiterated that the testing agency will be on its official website- itself for various reasons related to its activities. publishes notices.

Referring to an OR code relating to the authenticity of the notice, NBEMS mentioned, “NBEMS notices issued after July 2020 contain a QR code. By scanning the QR code the user will be redirected to the said notice on the NBEMS website.

NBEMS has also marked the Candidate Care Support Number for further assistance to the students aspiring to take the NEET PG 2022 exam on May 21, 2022. The notice reads, “For any query please contact NBEMS Candidate Care Support on 011-45593000 or write to this address. NBEMS on its communication web portal,

NBEMS cautioned that stakeholders should not be lured or misled by unverified notices and should cross verify any information regarding NBEMS through its website.

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