‘Never let them…’: What did President Putin say on nuclear war?

Clarifying his stand on nuclear war, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that there can be no winner in such a war and “they should never be started”.

“We proceed from the fact that there can be no winner in a nuclear war and it should never be uncovered, and we stand for equal and indivisible security for all members of the world community,” the Russian leader said. Told. nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The statement was given as a review of the Keystone nuclear treaty opened at the United Nations. Putin also stressed that Russia remained faithful to the “letter and spirit” of the treaty.

His comments at the NPT Forum were intended to strike a reassuring note and portray Russia as a responsible nuclear power.

“Whoever tries to disrupt us … should know that Russia’s response will be immediate, and it will lead you to consequences that you have never faced in history,” he said.

On Monday, the United States, Britain and France rebuked Russia for “irresponsible and dangerous” talk about potentially deploying nuclear weapons.

Since the beginning of Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine, Putin has made thinly veiled threats, hinting at Russia’s desire to deploy strategic nuclear weapons, which would use Russian military doctrine to force an adversary to retreat. can be done for.

Russia’s military doctrine allows the use of nuclear weapons in the event of a threat to Russia’s existence.

The Kremlin has accused the West of waging a “proxy war” against Ukraine by arming Ukraine and imposing sanctions on Moscow.

earlier this year, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that “the possibilities of nuclear conflict, once unimaginable, are now back in the realm of possibility”.

(with inputs from agencies)

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