New Firefox feature could stop Facebook and others from tracking you: Report – Times of India

new one firefox feature Can remove various online trackers from sites like Facebook, hubspot, Olytics and others from the URL you access before it is loaded into the browser, according to a report by Bleeping Computer. facility is called query parameter stripping and it reportedly removes strings of characters enclosed at the end of the URL which allow Facebook and other companies to track your online activity and serve you targeted advertising,
You’ll notice that in a URL, a question mark will usually be followed by a group of characters. This set of characters is called a query parameter through which a company like Facebook knows that you have clicked on that link, so that they can create your profile to show you ads.
To prevent yourself from such tracking, you will reportedly need to enable this feature in the latest version firefox browser, which will remove those weird characters before loading the url. To do this, just select “Strict” for “Advanced” to keep track Security” under Privacy and Security Settings. To enable the feature while browsing in private mode, search for Stripe by typing “about:config” in the address bar and set the ‘privacy.query_striping.enabled.pbmode’ option to true as reported.
Companies whose new Firefox feature can block you from being tracked include Facebook, Olytix, Drip, Vero, HubSpot and Marketo.

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