New Kashmir Narrative A Bunch Of Lies, Says Gupkar Alliance, Challenges BJP Government On Jobs, Investment Numbers

The Gupkar Alliance, a group of five parties in Kashmir, on Saturday tried to counter the BJP’s claim that after the abrogation of Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir has seen development, peace, employment and investment.

Stating that it was nothing but “a bunch of lies”, the alliance said it would challenge the BJP from point to point to “disprove their growth story”. The group released a white paper at the end of the meeting, led by its chairman Farooq Abdullah. Mehbooba Mufti and other leaders also participated.

In the white paper released, the coalition rejected the claims of ‘Naya Kashmir’ made by the government, saying it was based on lies and deceit.

Coalition spokesperson MY Tarigami said UAPA, PSA and arrests are the rule rather than the exception under the BJP’s new Kashmir narrative. “Whatever happened on August 5, 2019 was a forced decision. This was largely due to security shutdowns and jamming of phone networks and internet services. People’s consent was not taken,” he said.

“Don’t misunderstand the silence of Kashmiris, Jammu and Ladakhis as acceptance of the decisions of August 5, 2019,” he said.

“Article 370 was a bridge between India and the people of Jammu and Kashmir under the Constitution of India. Withdrawal of the special status also affected the relations built at the time when the people of Jammu and Kashmir merged with India. The removal of Article 370 was an attack on the Constitution of India and the identity of Jammu and Kashmir. Tomorrow Bengal and Tamil Nadu will become one and Kashmir.”

Tarigami said the alliance challenges the Jammu and Kashmir administration and the BJP government to “compete our white paper with our white paper. We challenge the BJP government to provide employment, investment and development.

“This attack has become a poison which can reach Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and other states. We appeal to Indian intellectuals, civil society, press and all to understand the pain of Kashmiris.”

The communist leader also hit out at the government’s claims that investors are ready to strengthen infrastructure in Jammu and Kashmir. “Which immovable property are you talking about? Tell us how many youths of Jammu got jobs after the abrogation of Article 370, let alone Kashmir.

The alliance also said that the proposals of the Delimitation Commission were illegal and unconstitutional and the Reorganization Act, 2019 is under legal scrutiny. Tarigami said Jammu and Kashmir was carved out in 2026 despite Supreme Court guidelines to conduct delimitation exercises across the country.

“But all this is being done under the Reorganization Act, which is unconstitutional in itself. Delimitation is being done without Ladakh and seven seats are being increased in Jammu and Kashmir- one in Kashmir and six in Jammu,” he said, “even with delimitation like population-based census, topography and access “Basic parameters” were being flouted.

Farooq Abdullah also accused the delimitation panel of bias and said its suggestions have increased isolation in Jammu and Kashmir as it worked in favor of the BJP as part of a “planned strategy”.

“The commission has worked in favor of the BJP which is seeking to pass a resolution in favor of Article 370 in the J&K Assembly. After this BJP itself will take the matter to court and claim victory.

“As far as the NC is concerned, we will fight the elections under any circumstances,” he said.

Asked whether PAGD would contest the elections jointly, he said: “It is too early to comment now. Let elections come, many people will come with us to contest elections.

Asked about the war in Ukraine after the Russian attack, Abdullah said he hoped the situation would not worsen. He avoided the question of India abstaining from voting in the UN Security Council on the issue, saying the Indian representative at the UNSC would be the best person to answer.

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