New Twitter CEO: Elon Musk confirms ex-NBC Universal advertising chief Linda Yacarino

New Delhi: Elon Musk confirmed Friday that Linda Yacarino, NBC Universal’s president of global advertising and partnerships, will take over as Twitter’s new CEO, making it “an everything app.”

“I’m excited to welcome Linda Yacarino as the new CEO of Twitter. She will focus primarily on business operations, while I will focus on product design and new technology,” Musk posted in a new tweet. ” “Looking forward to working with Linda to transform this platform into X, the everything app,” he added.

Musk’s role will transition to executive chairman and CTO, “overseeing product, software and systems operations”. Yacarino oversees about 2,000 employees in his role, similar to the current strength of Twitter employees after Musk largely sacked them following its $44 billion acquisition late last year.

His team oversees the monetization strategy for NBC Universal’s streaming service, Peacock. Yaccarino’s team has generated more than $100 billion in advertising sales and has partnerships with companies including Apple, Snapchat, BuzzFeed, Twitter and YouTube, according to his bio. In a Twitter poll last year, Musk asked millions of his followers: “Should I step down as head of Twitter?”

He had posted, ‘I will follow the results of this poll.’ The poll received over 17 million votes, with 57.5 percent of respondents calling for him to step down. However, Musk did not quit.