New Year’s resolution: how parents can help their kids with mental health problems

Last Update: December 29, 2022, 17:26 IST

Resolve to be a better parent to your kids next year.

Both the physical and emotional health of the child are important. Here are some parenting pointers to help parents raise children who will lead happy, healthy lives and have prosperous futures

The new year is just around the corner and it’s time to revisit everything we did right in the past year. To bring more positivity in life, let’s start afresh. And this goes for parents too. This New Year, make a resolution to be a better parent to your kids. This shows that you are committed to improving your parenting skills as well as being the best person in your child’s life.

Parents are diligent about taking care of their children, providing nutritious food and helping them with their school work. But how often do you think about your child’s mental health? The mental health of a child is as important as his physical health. Here are some tips for parents that will help their child lead a happy, healthy life and a prosperous year ahead.

Sudden changes in a child’s behavior such as withdrawing from friends and family, not following routines or withdrawing from activities they usually enjoy doing are some of the red signals that indicate your child needs support. the wanted.

Doing activities like deep breathing, doing some creative artwork like painting and coloring or listening to music are just some of the tricks we adults try to rid ourselves of. Similar strategies can be introduced to help our children deal with stress and emotions.

Read also: Parenting Tips: Ways To Help Kids Overcome Loneliness

Good communication skills are a cornerstone of responsible parenting. When communicating with your child, listen patiently to what they are trying to say and let them know that you are always there to support them in case of a problem.

This can help build self-esteem and boost confidence in your child. This will keep them motivated, your child will feel loved and supported.

Read also: 5 Tips for Being Emotionally Available for Your Kids

The pressure of day-to-day schedules and performance can create a lot of stress and anxiety for children. Help them become more organized by following a daily routine and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

Providing a supportive and loving environment for children to express themselves can do wonders. There is a need to normalize mental health conversations in schools, between teachers, parents and social groups. It is important that as parents we set the mental health of children as our top priority and empower them to lead happy and fulfilled lives.

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