NHSRCL Recruitment 2023: Notification released for 64 vacancies, check details

The online applications started from May 2.

Candidates can apply for more than one post but each time they have to submit separate application for the same.

National High Speed ​​Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) has invited applications for recruitment to the post of Technician, Junior Engineer (Signal & Telecommunication), Assistant Manager and Junior Manager. It has released a total of 64 posts for various roles and the online applications have started from 2nd May. Interested candidates may apply through the official website of NHSRCL- https://nhsrcl.in/. The last date to apply for the posts is May 31.

The pay scale for the jobs is up to Rs.1,60,000. Candidates can check more details about NHSRCL Vacancies like eligibility criteria, job profile and other information through notification released by the company on its website.

NHSRCL Recruitment 2023: Steps to apply

Step 1: Visit the official website of NHSRCL- https://nhsrcl.in/

Step 2: On its homepage, click on the recruitment link for the job.

Step 3: Register by entering your basic information like email address and mobile number.

Step 4: Enter the required details to fill the application form.

Step 5: Upload the required documents.

Step 6: Pay the application fee.

Step 7: Save and download the application form for future reference.

Candidates can apply for more than one post but they have to submit separate applications.

Technical queries related to filling of application form can be raised on Grievances tab in Online Application Portal. Candidate cannot change the mobile number and email address after registration.

The selection process will consist of three stages- a Computer Based Test (CBT) and a Medical Examination followed by a Personal Interview. All the information regarding exam pattern, syllabus for CBT and other details are available on the official website. The standards of medical fitness for each executive and non-executive post are mentioned in the official notification.

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