Nimbu Mirchi Chicken Tikka: Make this zingy and spicy tikka for a delicious affair

Chicken Tikka might be the most popular non-veg snack among Indians! We can always find chicken tikka a part of the snack menu every time we attend a wedding or any grand function. We all love to eat chicken tikka, but consuming this snack all the time might be a little too repetitive for our taste buds. Sometimes, we want to snack on something unique but familiar, right?! This craving of ours has helped us discover the recipe for Nimbu Mirch Chicken Tikka. The tang of lemon mixes with the spiciness of green chillies to give this juicy chicken tikka.

If you are tired of eating the same old chicken tikka, this special recipe gives a flavorful and flavorful makeover to the classic chicken snack. Nimbu Mirchi Chicken Tikka is a mixture of various herbs and spices. Rich in coriander, mint and lime leaves, the refreshing flavor of the herb gives it a vibrancy. The use of lemon juice and lemon leaves gives a hint of sourness to the spicy tikka. This Off-Beat Chicken Tikka Will Taste Best With Sweet And Spicy Flavors Pineapple Chutney,

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About Lemon Mirchi Chicken Tikka Recipe: How to make Nimbu Mirchi Chicken Tikka

To prepare this chicken tikka, you need to marinate the chicken twice. First, marinate the chicken cubes in lemon juice, salt and ginger-garlic paste. After this, grind kaffir lime leaves, green chillies, mint leaves, coriander leaves, ginger and garlic to make a smooth paste. If needed add water while grinding. Once the paste is ready, mix it with the thickened curd to make the second marinade. Mix the marinated chicken pieces in the curd paste and keep it aside for at least an hour. Fry the marinated chicken in a tandoor till it is cooked and slightly burnt. You can also bake it in the oven. Nimbu Mirch Chicken Tikka is ready!

Click here for the Step by Step Recipe for Lemon Mirchi Chicken Tikka.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?! Make this zingy and spicy Chicken Tikka at home and surprise your family with your culinary skills. Tell us in the comment section how you liked it.