‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ review: Nicole Kidman’s swanky drama is flattering to cheat

Comparisons with ‘The White Lotus’ are inevitable, but David E. Kelly’s latest show has a central mystery that’s both convoluted and silly

It’s a shame that the first three episodes of nine perfect strangers Streamed the same week that excellent white Lotus concluded. The comparisons, as we all know, are disgusting, but irresistible especially considering the similarity of the two shows. As the resort manager puts it, both shows are set in “a version of heaven” at swish resorts. old, another story set in a posh resort. The vacationers at the said resorts get more than they bargained for in their lives to settle down.

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nine perfect strangers Shares with a producer (David E. Kelly), source material (Lianne Moriarty novel) and star (Nicole Kidman) big little lie. So, comparisons are inevitable there as well. Both shows have impeccable production values, an ensemble cast, and use a central mystery to reveal lies big and small about their characters’ seemingly perfect lives in a small, closed community.

And that’s where the similarity ends. central mystery nine perfect strangers rather convoluted and silly; No and then there Were None-The type scenario is happening here. Nine people (very, very conservative) come for a retreat at the swanky Tranquillum House run by Statue Masha (Nicole Kidman) in California.

All guests have unresolved traumas, which they hope to heal with the tender loving care of Masha and her assistants Yao (Manny Jacinto) and Delilah (Tiffany Boone). For all its opulence and luxury, Tranquilum seems to have a curious shortage of staff; More on that later.

Guests include Francis (Melissa McCarthy), a writer of romance novels that no one wants to read anymore, and the victim of a catfishing scheme; Tony (Bobby Cannavale) is a former football star battling addiction; and high school teacher Napoleon (Michael Shannon) with his wife Heather (Asher KD) and daughter Zoe (Grace Van Patten). The family is mourning the death of Zoe’s twin brother, Zach (Hal Comston).

nine perfect strangers

  • Episodes: 8
  • Run Time: 42 to 55 minutes
  • Producer: David E. Kelly
  • Starring: Nicole Kidman, Melissa McCarthy, Michael Shannon, Luke Evans, Asher KD, Samara Weaving, Melvin Gregg, Tiffany Boone, Manny Jacinto, Grace Van Patten, Zoe Terax, Regina Hall, Bobby Cannavale
  • Story: Nine people come to an expensive resort for treatment and get more than they bargained for

Lars (Luke Evans) has a secret agenda and relationship problems, as do Ben (Melvin Gregg) and Jessica (Samara Weaving), who struck gold with the lottery but also had attendant problems. Carmel (Regina Hall), whose confidence comes thanks to her Cadish husband, rounds out the inspiring crew of guests.

As the series progresses, we learn about Masha’s background before wellness guru Avatar, which was filled with bad choices and toxins that now threaten her life. He has chosen these guests, we learn, for some potentially nefarious plan.

Francis and Tony have the sweetest story and we look forward to them coming together from the beginning. McCarthy and Cannavale juxtapose their characters with a similar general situation. Evans does what he can with his clichéd gay character, while Weaving’s social influencer comes across as a huge teen. Kidman’s Masha is the most disappointing. Her accent slips depressingly, and Glacial’s grace slips and falters as she single-handedly battles multiple fires, thanks to a distressing lack of staff.

It appears that Tranquillum has a lot of mental health issues, with various characters rolling their eyes and doing over the top impressions of neurotic people. The poignancy of losing a baby is lost in Malarkey and the wellness mumbo-jumbo and the almost fetish filming of smoothies in slow motion.

Beautifully shot, in a beautiful locale, with a good cast, nine perfect strangers Unfortunately only flattery to deceive.

Nine Perfect Strangers is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video


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