Ninjakart unveils $25 million agricultural seed fund

Agri-platform, Ninjakart has announced the launch of an Agri Seed Fund of $25 million to support emerging and new-age startups in the agriculture sector. To promote tech innovation and accelerate disruption, the firm will invest seed in start-ups, entrepreneurs and tech innovators who offer unique, sustainable and tech-enabled solutions, it said. In addition, it will invest in teams that have technical capabilities but may lack a solution or idea at the moment. The announcement comes as part of the firm’s larger effort to accelerate the progress of the agriculture landscape. Co-founder and CEO Thirukumaran Nagarajan said, “Strengthening the global agriculture ecosystem has always been our ambition. It is our endeavor to help the next generation of entrepreneurs and small businesses grow together, creating a future that is sustainable and built on a strong foundation of productive collaboration. The company also plans to invest in technology in its own operations. “Recent investments by Walmart and Flipkart broaden the company’s goal of creating a digital agro-ecosystem, enabling all agri-players, including farmers, resellers, retailers, consumers and supply chain participants, to purchase fresh produce in a transparent manner. and allowed to sell. ,” it added.