No covid-19 pass, no heat wave allowed in this country

The country’s health minister said on Monday that Dutch patrons at cafes are not required to show so-called “Covid passes” when dining outside on the terrace, but must do so to visit restrooms.

The Netherlands last week eased coronavirus restrictions, including ending social distancing, but said it would introduce new passes for bars, restaurants and festivals.

The new measure was approved by parliament starting on Saturday, but lawmakers forced an exception for those who enjoy eating or drinking outside, saying the chances of infection were very low.

But “if you want to use the restroom, you must show your QR code,” NOS public broadcaster quoted Health Minister Hugo de Jong as saying. QR codes are machine-readable arrays of black and white squares on mobile phones.

If the scan is done, there is evidence of vaccination, recovery from the virus, or a negative test nearby and is required for all people 13 years of age and older.

De Jong acknowledged it was inconvenient, but “we are bound by the decisions of parliament,” he said.

“You can even put a portaloo next to the roof,” said de Jonze, referring to a mobile cabin with a toilet.

Last week, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Root said it was unwise to make exceptions for patrons sitting outside, as people would mandatorily enter to pay bills or go to the toilet.

“It might even start to rain and then everyone wants to go in,” Rutte said.

“The government wants QR codes everywhere in the hospitality sector,” health ministry spokeswoman Rinke Wiemann told AFP.

“This is not to upset people, but because people want more freedom than restrictions. Unfortunately these freedoms are not without limits,” she said.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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