No hope for Indian diaspora protesting against Nupur Sharma in Kuwait: Journalist

Kuwait has said that the protesters would be deported to their respective countries because they violated the country’s laws and regulations.

The administration has issued instructions to arrest all the migrants protesting in the Faheel area. (Photo: Rep/AP)

The Kuwait government has decided to arrest and deport all migrants, including Indians, who protested the remarks on Prophet Muhammad by the now suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma.

The Gulf country is known to be strict with its laws, including labor laws for expatriates. According to an Indian journalist living in Kuwait, the government will not be soft on the Indian diaspora.

“There is no hope for the Indian diaspora in Kuwait who protested against Nupur Sharma. The Kuwaiti government will not be soft on them, they will be deported very soon,” Jeeves Erinjeri, an Indian journalist based in Kuwait, told India Today.

“Kuwait is very strict and special with its laws. Within a few weeks they [Indian expats] Will be deported,” Erinjeri said.

Read | Kuwait to deport migrants protesting remarks against Prophet

According to the Kuwait government, instructions have been issued to arrest migrants who protested in Faheel area after Friday prayers in support of Prophet Muhammad.

Action will be taken because they violated Kuwait’s laws and regulations, which stipulate that picketing or demonstrations are not to be organized by expatriates in the Gulf country.

Incidentally, Kuwait was one of the Gulf countries that had summoned the Indian envoy over Nupur Sharma’s remarks on the Prophet during a TV debate.

As the controversy began, the Indian government distanced itself from the comments, terming them the views of “fringe elements”. The BJP has since suspended its national spokesperson Nupur Sharma and expelled its Delhi media chief Naveen Kumar Jindal.