No loss of taste, smell. Know the difference between flu, RSV, COVID-19 symptoms

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently informed that more than 500 Omicron variants are currently circulating around the world and due to this, India is likely to see a Covid wave in the coming days.

In India, the Union health ministry warned in December that the coming 40 days would be crucial even as it tightens its grip covid test Number of passengers arriving from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Japan.

Meanwhile, India recorded 175 fresh Covid-19 cases on Wednesday, taking the active cases to 2,570. Recently four cases of the BF.7 variant have been reported from India, which is behind the recent infection surge in China.

However, it is to be noted that the alarm was sounded by the Ministry of Health keeping in mind that there are many respiratory diseases in winter which are not necessarily COVID-19.

The risk of cold increases in India too common cold, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection, It is important to note the significant difference in symptoms of the various infections that distinguishes them from COVID-19.

Loss of taste and smell is considered a common symptom during respiratory illness.

People who often get viral infections lose your sense of taste and smell, This remained a quintessential feature of testing for COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic.

However, experts have pointed out that a stuffy nose reduces the ability of the human body to taste or smell anything.

common cold

The common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat.

The typical symptoms of the common cold are


-running nose

-blocked nose


-sore throat

-Difficulty in breathing



-muscle pain

-body pain



Children have been noted for wheezing when suffering from the common cold.


Influenza or flu is caused by influenza virus types A and B, which cause acute respiratory illnesses. The severity of the disease is higher in children aged 5-9 years.

have flu symptoms





-muscle pain

-body pain

-running nose


-sore throat



Sometimes, symptoms like difficulty in breathing and wheezing are also seen in people suffering from flu.

In children, including infants, the first infection can cause severe bronchiolitis that can sometimes be fatal. Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections are common in older children and adults without co-morbidities and range from sub-clinical infection to symptomatic upper respiratory tract disease.


The classic symptoms of RSV infection are


– runny or stuffy nose





covid-19 around the world

The BF.7 variant is causing a surge in Covid-19 cases in China. While East Asian countries are registering at least 9000 cases in a day. This sudden increase in cases came last month after years of tight containment restrictions.

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