No negative bones in McCullum’s body, adaptability will be key: Karthik | Cricket News – Times of India

Dubai: Brendon McCullum “There’s no negative bone in his body” But does he succeed in his new job as head coach? england test teamTo an extent, that may depend on how good he is at coaching red-ball cricket after managing T20 franchises, it seems. Dinesh Karthik,
Karthik worked closely with McCullum during his stint in the IPL Kolkata Knight Riders McCullum and Karthik were the franchise’s coach and captain respectively in the 2019 season.
Indian wicketkeeper-batsman hopes McCullum brings positive attitude England Test Team.
“One thing I can tell you in the time I’ve spent with him is that he doesn’t have any negative bones,” Karthik said on ICC Review.
“He’s someone who wants to do everything in a positive way.”
“So it’s going to be very interesting when Ben Stokes and Brendon McCullum meet and figure out what a positive way of doing things for England cricket.”
McCullum is still an inexperienced coach in the international circuit, and Karthik believes he will have to adapt to the role.
“I think there will be some things that will definitely be new to Brendon McCullum,” he said.
“No doubt about it. Even though he has done his coaching work for Kolkata Knight Riders and Trinbago Knight RidersI think red-ball cricket is a completely different kettle of fish.”
The England men’s team is going through tough times – they lost the Ashes 4-0 in Australia, and then also suffered a series defeat in the West Indies, Joe Root to step down as captain.
“I think McCullum wants to take it because he sees it as a big challenge.”
“A team that obviously hasn’t done really well in the last two years. A bit in the dumps but to try and revive and try and take them to the pinnacle of Test cricket, which is what they aim for. ”
During his tenure as New Zealand’s captain, McCullum was widely credited with improving the team’s culture. This improved the results, resulting in some famous victories.
When asked what culture McCullum would adopt in the team, Karthik believed that the atmosphere around the team would be ‘relaxed’.
“It will be a very relaxed dressing room. I have seen that he is someone who focuses on playing a lot of games off the field and off the field as well as having a lot of fun.
“He puts a lot of emphasis on it like a little kid who loves to play every game possible and at the same time gets very physical. He is a very strong person, no doubt about it. Sometimes in the face of today’s cricketers. It’s going to be a very comfortable dressing room, a very chill dressing room.
“It will be very interesting how the youngsters are able to draw energy from this and make sure they are doing everything right to take English cricket forward.”
McCullum has a task on his hands, especially with several white-ball tournaments coming up, including the T20 World Cup in Australia later this year and the World Cup next year.
In such a situation, managing the workload of players playing both the formats can create a difficult situation for McCullum.
Asked about what would be McCullum’s first priority as head coach, Karthik said, “I think it’s up to us to figure out how much of a priority it is for the ECB to play red-ball cricket.
“Since there are so many white-ball tournaments coming up, where is Test cricket placed right now in terms of availability of players to take the team forward.
“There are some players in the English cricket team who overlap between white ball and red ball cricket and it can be difficult to play both formats in the summer. So sometimes you have to give up the format for a certain amount of time so that you can play one of the formats. Can focus on the big tournament or Test series which is to come.
So the priority is which player and how many good players he is going to get to play Test cricket, that is something that he has to decide with the administrators.”