No picture of Congress in Gujarat: Arvind Kejriwal

In Gujarat politics, AAP is trying to emerge as a clear alternative to BJP, which has been in power since 1998.

In Gujarat politics, AAP is trying to emerge as a clear alternative to BJP, which has been in power since 1998.

Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday asked AAP workers and party workers in Gujarat to ensure that people do not waste their votes on the Congress in the upcoming assembly polls as the party is nowhere in the Congress. Is. Picture as an important electoral contender.

Mr Kejriwal had arrived in Gujarat on a two-day visit to campaign for the assembly elections to be held later this year. 6,989 newly-appointed office-bearers from all districts took oath in the presence of Kejriwal and other party leaders in Ahmedabad on Sunday.

On Monday, he will address the Town Hall event in Ahmedabad, where he will talk about the Delhi model of governance and development. In Gujarat politics, AAP is trying to emerge as a clear alternative to BJP, which has been in power since 1998.

“Fixed matches” in Gujarat

“There are people who do not want BJP rule in the state and they also do not like to vote for Congress. We have to get their votes as we are the only alternative to the BJP in the state.Arvind KejriwalNational Convener, Aam Aadmi Party

According to him, AAP can form the next government in Gujarat if the party garners votes from voters who are angry with the ruling BJP but do not want to vote for the opposition Congress which has failed to dislodge the BJP in the last 25 years. years. “There are people who do not want BJP rule in the state and they also do not like to vote for Congress. We have to get their votes as we are the only alternative to the BJP in the state.

“We are taking a pledge to serve the country and bring in the governance witnessed by Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel,” Kejriwal said.

He also slammed both the BJP and the Congress for playing a “fixed match” in Gujarat, where one party rules and the other is in opposition. “BJP buys Congress MLAs and leaders with money but it cannot buy our leaders and workers because we are honest and patriotic people working for the service of the country.”

The Delhi Chief Minister claimed that in no time the AAP has been able to form a strong party in every district in the state and a large number of people have joined the party as they are “tired and fed up” with the BJP rule. Huh. in the state.

free healthcare, better education

He asked party functionaries and workers to visit each and every house or house in Gujarat and explain how the AAP government can provide them “free electricity and better education and free healthcare for their children” if voted to power in the state. .

“We have to reach out to households across the state to tell us about our work in Delhi and Punjab, how we have reduced electricity rates and provided free education. We also have to tell people that there is no use in voting for Congress. Last time, they voted for Congress, and today see how many Congress MLAs have left their own party and joined BJP,” he said while addressing AAP office-bearers.

Interestingly, Mr Kejriwal’s visit to Gujarat came days after a delegation of 17-member Gujarat BJP visited the national capital to inspect government schools and hospitals/neighborhood clinics and “expose” AAP’s claims. Is. In his speech on Sunday, Mr Kejriwal claimed that “the BJP delegation from the state did not find a single lack of schools and mohalla clinics in Delhi during their visit to the national capital”.