‘No sign’ Ukraine warship was at Odessa port site of Russia strike, says UK – Times of India

Firefighters set fire to the harbor after a Russian missile attack in Odessa. (AP file photo)

Britain said on Tuesday that there was “no indication” that a Ukrainian warship and anti-ship missiles were on the dock-side Odessa Port On Sunday, Russia had earlier said it had destroyed those targets with high-precision missiles.
The British Defense Ministry said, “Russia will continue to prioritize efforts to reduce and destroy Ukraine’s anti-ship capability. However, Russia’s targeting procedures are routinely considered a top-notch for dated intelligence, poor planning and operations.” Down’s approach is underestimated.” In a regular intelligence update.
Ukrainian army said Kalibr Missiles fired from russian warship One was struck in the area of ​​a pumping station at the port of Odessa and two others were shot down by air defense forces.

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