No way to go back on nuclear deal if probe continues: Iran President – Times of India

Tehran: IranThe president warned on Monday that any roadmap to restore Tehran’s broken nuclear deal with world powers should require international inspectors to end their investigations into man-made uranium particles found at undeclared sites in the country.
In a rare news conference, President Ibrahim’s marking his first year in office Raisi He also issued threats against Israel and tried to cheer as Iran’s economy and the rial currency are burdened by international sanctions.
Despite international attention to the deal, as talks in Vienna remain in limbo, Raisi took more than an hour to fully accept the ongoing negotiations. Tehran and Washington have traded written responses in recent weeks to the finer points of a roadmap that would lift sanctions against Iran, in exchange for restricting its fast-moving nuclear program.
International Atomic Energy Agency For years Iran has been sought to answer questions about man-made uranium particles found at undeclared sites. US intelligence agencies, Western countries and IAEA has said that Iran carried out an organized nuclear weapons program until 2003. Iran has long refused to seek nuclear weapons.
As a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran is obliged to explain the radioactive fragments and to assure that they are not being used as part of a nuclear weapons program. Iran itself was criticized by the IAEA’s board of governors in June for failing to answer questions about the sites to the satisfaction of inspectors.
Raisey referred to the mark – referring to it as a “protective” issue, using the language of the IAEA.
“Without addressing security issues, there is no point in speaking about an agreement,” Raisi said.
Under the 2015 nuclear deal, Tehran could enrich uranium to 3.67%, while maintaining a stockpile of 300 kilograms (660 lb) of uranium, under constant scrutiny from IAEA surveillance cameras and inspectors. then president Donald Trump In 2018 unilaterally withdrew the US from the agreement, setting the stage for rising tensions.
According to the last public IAEA calculations, Iran has reserves of about 3,800 kilograms (8,370 lb) of enriched uranium. More worrying for non-profile experts, Iran now enriches uranium to 60% purity – a level it has never reached before, a small, technical step away from 90%. Those experts have warned that Iran has enough 60%-enriched uranium to be reprocessed into fuel for at least one nuclear bomb.
Amid tensions, Israel is suspected of carrying out a series of attacks targeting Iranian nuclear sites as well as a prominent scientist. On Monday, Raisi directly threatened Israel.
Raisi said that if Israel decides to carry out its threats to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, “they will see if anything remains of the Zionist regime.”
At his first news conference, Raisey famously said “no” when asked if he would meet with the president. Joe Biden, When asked again on Monday as the United Nations General Assembly next month, Raisi stuck to his earlier answer.
“There is no use of a meeting between us and him,” the president said. “Neither to the Iranian nation nor to the interests of our great nation.”