Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai is married. see photos

Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, who was shot by the Pakistani Taliban for campaigning for girls’ education, got married in a small ceremony in Birmingham, England. Announcing her marriage on Twitter, Malala wrote, “Today is a precious day in my life. Asar (Malik) and I tied the knot to be partners for life.” Malala has not given any other information about her husband other than his first name. However, according to Dawn news, Asar Malik is the general manager of the High Performance Center of the Pakistan Cricket Board.

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Malala Yousafzai with her husband Asar Malik
Malala Yousafzai's wedding photo

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Malala Yousafzai’s wedding photo

They tied the knot at their home in the presence of their family, and she further wrote, “We celebrated a small nikah ceremony at home in Birmingham with our families. Please send us your prayers. We look forward to the journey ahead together.” Excited to walk.” A Nikah ceremony is the first step in an Islamic marriage.

Malala wore a tee pink color outfit with simple jewellery. Her husband wore a simple suit and matched his tie to her outfit. Malala’s father Ziauddin Yousafzai also posted the news on Twitter. He wrote on Twitter, “This is beyond words. Toor Pekai and I are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. Alhamdulillah.”

Her friend also posted pictures of Malala smiling.

Asar also posted a picture on Instagram.

At the age of 15, Malala was shot in the head in 2012 while on a school bus in her hometown of the Swat Valley by terrorists from Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, a branch of the Afghan Taliban.

She recovered after months of treatment at home and abroad, before co-writing a best-selling memoir titled “I am Malala”.

Malala was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 at the age of 17, sharing the prize with children’s rights activist Kailash Satyarthi.

He earned degrees in philosophy, politics and economics from Oxford University last year. Now, the 24-year-old, who advocates for girls’ education with her nonprofit Malala Fund, has invested $2 million in Afghanistan. She has also signed a deal with Apple TV which will produce dramas and documentaries focused on women and children.

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