Now, you can order Biryani from Hyderabad, Kebabs from Lucknow from anywhere in India on Zomato. can order at

Image Source: INSTAGRAM/PU.PULSE Zomato CEO Goyal said these “iconic dishes” can be ordered through ‘Intercity Legends’ on the Zomato app and will be transported via flight.

Zomato on Wednesday unveiled ‘Intercity Legends’, a pilot project that lets users order iconic dishes from any Indian city to various cities in the country.

Through this project, Zomato is working to enable customers to order from anywhere in India, said Deepinder Goyal, CEO of the online food delivery platform. Butter Chicken from Old Delhi, or Pyaaz Kachori from Jaipur” and deliver the next day.

“By leveraging Zomato’s vast network of restaurant partners and delivery partners, deep understanding of food technology and insights into what our customers love, we will be delivering legendary dishes from across India the very next day,” he wrote.

Goyal said these “iconic delicacies” can be ordered through ‘Intercity Legends’ on the Zomato app and will be transported via flight.

“Food is prepared fresh by the restaurant and packaged in reusable and tamper-proof containers to keep it safe during air transit,” he said, adding that mobile refrigeration technology can be used to freeze food or serve any food. Preserves without the need to add any kind of preservatives.

Currently, Goyal said the company is “piloting it for select customers in parts of Gurugram and South Delhi”.

Excited at the new initiative, he said, “Whether you love mithai, biryani, kachori, or kebabs, this will be a culinary paradise. We will be expanding it rapidly to other cities in the next few weeks.

“There’s a jewel hidden in every nook and corner of India. With over 100 airports and a rich spread of India’s most iconic cuisine, the sky is the limit on how big Intercity Legends can become.” Currently, under Zomato, the existing platform, orders are restricted to areas within a 7-10 km radius of its restaurant partners.

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