Nutrients in eggs protect heart: Study The Times of India

The researchers further identified 14 metabolites that are associated with heart disease. They found that participants who ate fewer eggs had lower levels of beneficial metabolites in their blood and higher levels of harmful ones, compared with those who regularly ate eggs.

“Together, our results provide a possible explanation of how eating eggs in moderate amounts may help protect against heart disease,” says author Canqing Yu, associate professor in Peking University’s Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. “More studies are needed to verify the role lipid metabolites play in the association between egg consumption and heart disease risk.”

“This study may also have implications for Chinese national dietary guidelines,” says senior author Liming Li, BOYA Distinguished Professor in Peking University’s Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. “Current health guidelines in China suggest eating one egg a day, but data indicates that the average consumption is less than this. Our work highlights the need for more strategies to encourage moderate egg consumption among the population.” so as to help reduce the overall risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Inputs from IANS

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