Nutritionist reveals 5 common kitchen spices that are great for diabetic diet

Diabetes is a common but serious problem that the whole world is grappling with. Though it is difficult to treat, but the condition is quite easy to manage. A healthy lifestyle with a good diet is the best way to go about it. There are various known foods that are known to regulate blood sugar level, And these foods include common spices that we use in everyday cooking. You would be surprised to know that the spices which you often ignore, are actually a boon for people battling diabetes.

Dietitian Kanupreet Arora Narang reveals something best spices Which are always present in our pantry and are a great addition to a diabetic diet. He put up useful posts on his Instagram handle ‘dtkanupreet’.

Here are 5 common spices for a diabetes diet:

1. Fenugreek Seeds:

This spice is known to lower blood sugar levels. The seeds are rich in fiber which digests slowly and releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream. A great way to consume and add to basic cooking recipes it’s a great option Fenugreek seeds Drinking fenugreek seeds water leads to diabetic diet.
According to a study published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, soaking 10 grams of fenugreek seeds in warm water can help control type-2 diabetes.

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2. Cinnamon :


Cinnamon helps in increasing insulin sensitivity and regulates blood sugar levels. Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, which is what gives the spice all of its health-benefiting properties and its aroma. Cinnamon is considered an anti-diabetic agent to deal with high blood sugar levels. According to studies, consuming up to 6 grams cinnamon every day fOR 40 days have been found to be helpful in preventing blood sugar spikes.

Dietician Kanupreet recommends sprinkling cinnamon powder on smoothies, oatmeal and pancakes. Otherwise, you can add whole cinnamon sticks to Indian dishes like biryani and gravies.

(Also Read: 5 Vegetables You Must Include In Your Diabetes Diet,

3. Turmeric:


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Turmeric is high in antioxidants and fights diseases and infections. You can include it in your daily diet. A study published in 2013 suggested that curcumin present in turmeric may lower blood glucose and manage other symptoms of diabetes. drinking Turmeric milk There is also a great way to consume this spice.

(Also Read: 8 Health Benefits Of Turmeric (Haldi): Going Back To The Roots,

4. Cloves:


This strong spice promotes the production of insulin. You can spice up your daily pulses and vegetables by adding this pungent spice. Cloves have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and digestive health benefits for diabetes.

5. Ginger:


Ginger helps health in many ways. It is also a great spice for diabetic diet as it helps in blood glucose homeostasis. A study published in the Journal of Ethnic Foods states that ginger lowers fasting serum glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Dietitian Kanupreet suggests adding it to your meals, teas, decoctions and drinks like ginger.

Enrich your diabetes diet with these spices while enjoying a delicious meal.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.

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