Nutritious video shows a squirrel interacting with a family

The video has been viewed over 28,000 times on Twitter

Animal videos are some of the most engaging and engaging videos on social media. Now, a wholesome video of a squirrel’s playful interaction with a family is going viral on the internet. Posted by Gabriele Cornou on Twitter on November 30, shows the family’s encounter with an endearing squirrel. A playful squirrel can be seen climbing atop a baby’s pram while the baby looks on with excitement. The cute little animal can be seen jumping happily from one end to the other.

Further in the video, the squirrel pounces on the woman and a few seconds later on the man filming the clip. The animal then tries to fit into his jacket pocket. The squirrel then peeks through the little pockets in the adorable clip. The caption of the video reads, “At the Park (Wait for It).” A squirrel’s short conversation with a family is winning hearts on the internet.

watch the video:

The video has garnered over 28,000 views on Twitter and has sent the internet into meltdown. A social media user asked what kind of squirrel is this. To which one user wrote, “I think it’s Ebert’s squirrel.” Another user wrote, “Looks like this squirrel is looking for a treat (and probably used to be fed by humans). The squirrel is adorable, but it takes a wild animal to approach humans.” Not a good idea to encourage what could harm it (or vice versa)!”

One user commented, “The really curious squirrel could be a fun pet if it just left the electrical wires in peace.” A fourth commented, “Cheeky squirrels – wonderful conversation wild little critter and family.”

“Oh, I love squirrels, but they never jump into my pocket,” expressed the fifth.

Meanwhile, a video of a pet marmot is going viral on the internet in which the rodent reacts curiously and asks the owner to resume petting.

The 18-second clip begins with a marmot being shown being relaxed and caressed by its owner. The pet owner of the ground squirrel slowly stops petting it. The rodent reacts quickly and then displays surprise. It requests that the owner resume petting and perform the action with his right hand. In response to the sweet wish, the owner begins to pat the marmot again, which brings him new pleasure.

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