Ocha: Rights of Afghan women, girls ‘under attack’, says UN – Times of India

Kabul: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) has expressed concern over the condition of women and girls Afghanistan, stating that “Afghan women are deprived of basic rights.”
The UN office said: “The fundamental rights of Afghan women and girls are under attack. They need the support and solidarity of the United Nations now more than ever.”
Humanitarian organizations should aim to provide assistance to women and girls by providing food, health care, education, livelihood opportunities and security services.
“The fundamental rights of Afghan women and girls are under attack. They need our support and solidarity now more than ever. Humanitarians aim to provide women and girls with food, health care, education, livelihood opportunities and security services. to increase aid by doing so,” tweeted OCHA.

According to OCHA, 11.8 million women and girls in Afghanistan are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.
OCHA’s tweet comes after protests by women Kabul on Wednesday.
Dozens of Afghan women in the capital, Kabul, are protesting against some of the rules imposed on them by the ruling Taliban. Artificial satellite Quoting an activist. Taliban Forcing women to wear the hijab in public places and at work, the activist said, insisting it indicates that the new rulers in Kabul do not want women to work.
The return of Taliban to power in Afghanistan is a nightmare for Afghan women. He has imposed a number of repressive rules on women, including banning education, work and long travel.
Incidents of women being bullied are becoming the ‘new normal’ after Afghanistan was taken over by the Taliban.
