Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik meets Pope Francis in Vatican City. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister of Odisha Naveen Patnaik Had a meeting Pope FrancisThe head of catholic cathedral In Vatican City As part of his ongoing visit to Rome on Wednesday and presented him a Pattachitra painting depicting the Tree of Life from Odisha.
Although the meeting lasted a few minutes, Naveen expressed his pleasure to meet His Holiness and thanked him for his warm audience. The Chief Minister also wished him good health and long life.
“It has been an absolute pleasure meeting His Holiness Pope Francis (@Pontifex) in Vatican City. Thanking him for the warm audience and wishing him good health and a long life,” Naveen tweeted.

The meeting was the most anticipated during Naveen’s 10-day foreign visit, the second in the last 22 years, as Naveen became the first chief minister of an Indian state to meet Pope Francis at the Vatican. The meeting with the head of the Catholic Church also elevated Naveen’s political stature and made international headlines.
Describing it as an honor to meet the state’s longest-serving chief minister, the head of the Catholic Church, said that there are in the millions. ramen catholic in India.
The Chief Minister also told Pope Francis about his government’s support to organizations run by the Missionaries of Charity, a Kolkata-based philanthropic organization founded by Mother Teresa, who arrived in Odisha in 1974 and runs 13 centers for the sick, abandoned . Elderly, leprosy patients, mentally handicapped and orphans.
In December last year, Naveen had directed district collectors in Odisha to ensure that no prisoner of these organisations, especially due to food security and paucity of funds, suffers from health-related crisis.
Presenting Pattachitra, a popular art form of Odisha, Naveen also showcased the rich craftsmanship and artistry of Odisha at the Vatican. Pattachitra is a unique ancient traditional, cloth based scroll painting of Odisha. This art form is known for its intricate details, natural colors and mythological themes. It reflects the unique expertise of the skilled craftsman of Odisha, an official statement said.
Priests and sisters from India, who were in Vatican City, were delighted to see the Chief Minister as they clicked pictures with him. They also wished him well, the statement said.