Odisha government postpones reopening of schools from Jan 3 amid Omicron

The Odisha government has postponed the reopening of schools for students of classes 1 to 5. Schools were supposed to reopen from Monday, January 3, but have now been postponed. This comes amid rising cases of Omicron in the country. There are 27,000 primary schools in the state.

Earlier, State Education Minister Sameer Dash had said that instructions had been issued to clean and sanitize the school premises. He had also said that online classes will continue with physical classes and students are allowed to choose whether they want to opt for offline or online classes.

Read also| Maharashtra government may close schools, colleges again, decide within 15 days

Dash had earlier said that the schools where the summative test has been scheduled for Class 10 students are ready to reopen physical classes from January 10. Meanwhile, the directorate of the Directorate of Medical Education and Training (DMET) had earlier said that the Odisha government may rescind the decision to reopen physical classes if the number of Covid-19 and omicron cases is on the rise.

Apart from Odisha, schools in Maharashtra, West Bengal and Karnataka are also likely to be closed due to ommicron fear. The Haryana government has already ordered closure of schools across the state.

Read| Rising Omicron cases: Schools likely to reopen in these states

Maharashtra Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad had said on December 29 that the state government was closely monitoring the situation and a decision was likely to be taken soon. He said schools would be closed again if Omicron’s cases continued to rise. Meanwhile, the Karnataka government had suspended all programs in schools and colleges. Primary and Secondary Education Minister BC Nagesh said that if the situation of Kovid-19 is increasing again then the option of closing schools and canceling examinations will be considered.

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