Office: Liz Trass’s Change in the Post-Field Change of PM’, Is Sunkvid Involved?

Environment: Liz Trass’s PM ‘Changes in the Environment’


The party commanding the entitlement will post as a member after the party members attend the next meeting. Tthuras the tthubaura Nivarachamauthakuthur r Mant r r rimandal ruri to ruri rur ruh rur rur rur rür rür rür rür rür rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rrs rr rs rr rs rth thd th th to whom, thf to thth thr tr tr tr t tr t tr tе t t t t t th t thе t thr thе t , 43 percent , 57 . Sunak once signed that the scheme would be in the event of joining the truss policy in the event of going to the position of minister.

this also further

It was predicted after the result was declared that, ”I will have a real post set after. This will be updated in the changing seasons of the country.

Sunak said in response to questions about the future, “Ababam said, as well as an organization that leads under Trass’s leadership will be successful. Now we will have a favorable evening.

Now the crisis in Ballmore of the Foreign Minister Trass on the situation in the office of the Conservative Party party to put the second (96) in a well-deserved position. The future is expected to be announced.

(Line for the headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s Cindy said Dr.