Olay’s #STEMtheGap initiative is helping us break gender biases and stereotypes – Times of India

“Girls should play with dolls and small kitchen sets; Boys should play with cars and robots.”

“Girls should engage in creative fields; Boys should be involved in science and maths.”

“Women are natural nurturers; men are natural leaders.”


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We have all come across social stereotypes that reveal how our gender is used to easily assign roles, responsibilities and interests. From an early age, children are told what ‘good’ they can be, how they should speak, dress and conduct themselves, and what they are likely to become as they grow up . These biases often affect a young person’s self-perception, their academic performance, and the subjects they choose. In a world where children are constantly restrained that
‘Girls are better at reading and boys are better at math’ It’s not hard to understand why the percentage of women with careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) is surprisingly low.

According to research, in India, women make up only 14% of the STEM workforce. This is a shocking statistic considering India
world’s third largest publisher of science and engineering research papers! It highlights the existence of gender gap in STEM jobs in India. A strong male-dominated work culture coupled with the age-old gender bias that women cannot excel in STEM is a path that India currently needs to clear. Interestingly, there has been an increase in the number of STEM Jobs in India over the past few years. according to a
report good In fact, there was a 44% increase in the number of STEM jobs in India from 2016-2019—a trend that is set to increase in the coming years. To effectively participate in the jobs of the future such as automation, robotics, data science, AI, etc., Indian girls and women should be encouraged to pursue STEM education and careers.

erasing gender boundaries with
#STEMTheGap Initiative

The prevalence of gender-related bias from childhood through adolescence to adulthood has often deterred women from pursuing STEM. Many women who pursue life professionally are confined to fields of study such as teaching, nursing, fine arts and home economics. Today, most of the 11% of colleges in India reserved exclusively for women offer programs in arts and commerce rather than science. In addition, due to low STEM engagement, there aren’t many role models they can look to.

Keeping in mind the many conscious and especially unconscious societal prejudices that prevent women from making choices about their lives, leading skincare brand Olay has launched a meaningful initiative called #STEMTheGap. As a brand that is rooted in science and aimed at women, this initiative aims to create noise to help close the gender gap in STEM. To this end, Olay has unveiled a hard-hitting film that sheds light on how our unconscious biases condition girls that STEM is not for them. This campaign is an invitation to everyone to collectively #STEMTheGap by changing our mindset and questioning the prejudices we all have.

The film shows various scenarios across the country where girls who show interest in STEM are on the receiving end of prejudice. It poignantly cites examples of a girl being told not to work simply because her clothes might be dirty, a teacher believing that a science project was done by a male colleague, a young girl She is encouraged to dress up as a princess instead of a robot, or a girl who is congratulated for a future profession becoming a ‘star’ celebrity rather than an astronaut. Watch it below:

LEAD. Changing the Gender Equation in Partnership with

In addition to unconscious biases, limited educational access, especially in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in India, and lack of opportunities to go into STEM as adults, have also meant that many women in India are pursuing STEM-based education. Doesn’t give a second thought about it. Livelihood. Therefore, Olay is taking action with the aim of #STEMTheGap by partnering with Lead, India’s leading school edtech player, to fund STEM scholarships for girls across India.

From 2021, Olay is sponsoring tuition fees for girls in 6 states, as well as tablets and data packs. The brand believes that the future of girls depends on what they are taught, yet equitable access to education has a long way to go. This association with LEAD will enable many girls to pursue their passions and interests, especially during the early early years.

Speaking on the #STEMTheGap initiative, Priyali Kamath, Senior Vice President, Skin & Personal Care – Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, Procter & Gamble (P&G), said,
“Olay is a brand deeply rooted in science, and with 50% of our scientists being women, we know that girls have the potential to be amazing scientists. With more and more jobs being STEM-based, we believe girls will be able to It’s our collective responsibility to prepare for the jobs of the future. That’s why we’re committed to helping bridge the gender gap in STEM. We’re delighted to be making such a heart-warming yet thought-provoking film that will make a difference in our society. In addition, our scholarship program with LEAD is already making a real and meaningful change today, and we are looking forward to creating a career path for girls in India. Excited to be a part of a positive future. Let’s #STEMTheGap together.”

Olay’s #STEMTheGap initiative is a remarkable effort to help give women equal opportunities to advance and flourish in STEM-based careers. The campaign is also an eloquent conversation starter on the need for a diverse and talented STEM workforce.

Disclaimer: This article has been produced on behalf of Olay by the Spotlight team of Times Internet
