Old video of man leaving bag full of snakes in the woods stuns the internet

The video has so far garnered over 2,800 likes and over 50,000 views.

An old video of a fearless man releasing dozens of snakes into the wild has resurfaced online and caught the attention of internet users. The short clip was shared a few days ago by an Instagram handle called Snake World.

In the video, a man is seen carrying a big bag full of snakes in the forest premises. At first, he appears to be struggling with the sack as he shakes the bag several times. However, seconds later, a group of snakes fall out of the sack in large numbers.

Watch the video below:

The video shows dozens of snakes crawling on the ground, forming a strange pool of moving snakes. In the clip, the man keeps trying to separate the snakes with his bare hands. Without any hesitation, he tackles the reptiles one by one and leads them towards the forest.

The hair-raising video has left internet users perplexed ever since it was shared. One user wrote, “He is the champion of the world of snakes. No kidding just imagine every kind of snake he touches with his hands. Bravo bro.”

“What snake are they? And why don’t they bite her?” said another concerned user. A third commented, “One bag is full,” while a fourth said, “He did the right thing.”

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The video has so far garnered over 2,800 likes and over 50,000 views.

Meanwhile, speaking of snakes, last month another video made its way on social media where a Man seen ‘bathing’ a giant king cobra, It can be seen in the video that the man pours water from the bucket on the snake without any fear. At one point the man even grabs hold of the snake’s head while towards the end we see the snake trying to grab the mug on its own.

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