Omicron: Antibody cocktail not useful for most patients, experts say

Kolkata: Amid rising cases of corona virus and concerns over the Omicron type of corona virus, doctors in Kolkata believe that there is no need for an antibody cocktail for most patients as this formula is not useful for patients. omicron type of coronavirus,

Speaking to ANI, Dr. Abhijit Choudhary of SSKM Hospital said, “Antibody cocktails are useful only for a small section of people. For most people covid Or about 99 percent of patients will not need the antibody cocktail. Only patients over 60 years of age or patients with comorbidities in the initial 4–5 days of initial disease can be helped by an antibody cocktail. The antibody cocktail is not going to be a good solution for the COVID pandemic.”

Meanwhile, Dr Kunal Sarkar, Cardiac Surgeon of Medica Superspecialty Hospital stressed on the adequate data of omicron infection.

“We are still in the dilemma of deciding because we don’t know what ratio is omicron and what is ratio delta. If you believe it is delta then you may have some use. If you believe it is omicron So the antibody cocktail will not be useful. As doctors, we request governments to come up with more adequate data as we need to know the proportion of omicron cases. We need the trend of infections in each city,” Dr Sarkar told ANI.

West Bengal has registered 9,073 new COVID-19 cases during the last 24 hours, the state health department said on Tuesday.

During the last 24 hours, 3,768 people have recovered from the infection. During the last 24 hours, 16 people lost their lives due to this disease.

The state currently has 25,475 active COVID-19 cases.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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