On the eve of the 3-nation bilateral visit, PM Modi said, Europe is facing many challenges

Ahead of his three-day visit to Denmark, Germany and France, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he is visiting Europe at a time when the region is facing many challenges.

PM Modi will leave for a three-nation tour on May 2, which is his first foreign visit this year. The visit comes in the backdrop of Russia’s war on Ukraine, which has changed the geopolitical balance in Europe.

“My visit to Europe comes at a time when the region is facing many challenges and choices. Through my engagements, I intend to strengthen the spirit of cooperation with our European partners, who are important partners in India’s pursuit of peace and prosperity,” he said in a statement.

Read | PM Modi calls for more regional cooperation amid turmoil in Europe

The Prime Minister will reach Germany on 2 May in the first leg of the visit. In Berlin, PM Modi will hold bilateral talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and the two leaders will co-chair the sixth edition of the India-Germany Inter. Government Consultancy (IGC). Several Indian ministers will also visit Germany and hold discussions with their German counterparts.

“I see this IGC as an early engagement within six months of the formation of the new government in Germany, which will be helpful in identifying our priorities for the medium and long term,” PM Modi said.

On May 3, the Prime Minister will fly to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he will hold bilateral talks with his Danish counterpart Mette Fredriksen, and will also attend the second India-Nordic summit. There, he will hold talks with Prime Ministers of other Nordic countries – Iceland’s Katrin Jacobsdottir, Norway’s Jonas Gahr Store, Sweden’s Magdalena Andersen and Finland’s Sanna Marin.

Over the course of 24 hours, he will participate in the India-Denmark Business Roundtable as well as hold meetings with the Indian community in Denmark.

After ending his engagements in Denmark, Prime Minister Modi will make a brief halt in France on his way back to India on May 4. In Paris, he will hold talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, who was re-elected to the top post in a row. Last month there was a tough contest in the presidential election.

PM Modi’s visit to France just 10 days after the results of the presidential election “will not only allow me to congratulate him personally, but will also reaffirm the close friendship between the two countries.” “It will also give us an opportunity to set the tone for the next phase of the India-France strategic partnership.”