One Flag, One Theater—PLA Signs to India in Ladakh, Sikkim on China’s Martyr’s Day

xi Jinping asked the Communist Party to prepare for a “great struggle” on National Day. Great focus on Karakoram Theater and Martyrs’ Day in Tibet. What else is the Chinese state media switching to using xizang As in the name of Tibet? India’s External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar says relations with China are not “normal”. The Chinese Ambassador to India made four proposals. ChinaScope brings you news from a busy week of political events in China and around the world.

China in a week

China’s National Day celebrations on October 1 this year had a different meaning as we are 20. had come close toth Party Congress. Before the ceremony, Xi Jinping indicated the direction of his politics in an article for the Political Theory magazine of the Communist Party of China (CCP), Qishi.

“Comrades! Today, we are closer, more confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history.” wrote Xi in one kiushi Article published on 30 September.

Xi told CCP ready For a “great struggle”.

“The Great Struggle, the Great Project, the Great Cause and the Great Dream are closely intertwined, intertwined and interacting with each other. Among them, the new great project of party building plays a decisive role.” couple,

Xi and the top leadership of the CCP attended the National Day celebrations, also known as Martyrs’ Day, in Tiananmen Square. The event was largely symbolic where Xi honored past military heroes and heroes of the people who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the Chinese people, according To xinhua news,

At a State Council banquet to mark the national day, Premier Li Keqiang said China is determined to move forward under Xi Jinping’s leadership even under severe domestic and international pressure. Xi did not make a speech at the event.

Read also: Xi Jinping aims to gain complete control of the Internet to curb dissent

On the Taiwan issue, Li said China would promote “peaceful and integrated development of cross-strait relations” and achieve reunification with the mainland. Taiwan’s ‘reunification’ with the mainland is one of the primary goals of national rejuvenation.

People all over China celebrated the national day with a one-week public holiday called Golden Week. On Martyr’s Day, all branches of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) hosted events at the Theater Command to honor the past.

The Karakoram across Ladakh was mentioned in Chinese state media reporting on the National Day as a notable theater for the PLA. The four soldiers who died during the Galwan skirmish were also remembered from the official list of China.

PLA sent another Signal For India on National Day. The Red Army Division of the Xinjiang Military District unfurls the Chinese national flag at the site kiudigiangela post (or “Dangki Mountains”) next to the Spangur Tso Lake in the Ladakh region. An article was published on the front page of pla daily About the flag hoisting ceremony on October 2 at Kiudijiangela Post.

The post is known for the vast ccp flag Pictured next to Rock Cliff, and Chinese state media describes the site as “Party Flag Mountain”.

People’s Liberation Army Media Network published A video from October 1, showing border guards patrolling from Sikkim to Gamba County. In September 2021, Xi Jinping wrote a letter to soldiers of a special battalion in Gamba County and granted the title “Plateau Frontier Guard Model Camp” to a Gamba battalion of the Tibet Military Field Regiment. The letters are now stored in a museum in the city of Gamba Dzong. A PLA reporter showed Xi the letters sent to soldiers stationed at Gamba while traveling with a patrolling guard along the Sikkim border.

Chinese state media is off to a bang as we 20 . just two weeks away fromth Party Congress. has been published. complete list 20. Number of delegates attendingth Party Congress.

A change in the leadership of the PLA is expected during the event. Rod Lee, a US-based expert on the PLA, has done something predictions About a change in the Chinese military leadership.

Meanwhile, the Chinese state media is trying promote pinyin The name of Tibet in English writings, ‘Xizang’. Until now, it used ‘Tibet’ to refer to the region, which is ‘Tibet’.BOD‘ in Tibetan. This change appears to be part of an effort to synesize Tibet.

“Global Times’ report now salty with casual references to ‘Xizang’. A report back in januaryRegarding China’s construction of a bridge over Tibet’s Pangong Lake, which has led to tensions along the border with India, noted that ‘Xizang still lags behind China’s other provinces’ and ‘infrastructure construction development. essential for’, ” wrote David Bandursky of China Media Project.

Read also: This is how the rumors of Xi Jinping’s ‘arrest’ and ‘coup’ started

The trend is not new as some Chinese diplomats have made it a practice to refer to Tibet as ‘Xizang’ on Twitter.

“Soldiers under the PLA Xizang Military Command held a flag hoisting ceremony on Saturday morning to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the PRC,” wrote Zhang Meifang, Chinese Consulate General in Belfast.

But what is notable is only Global Times Have picked up this exercise in English, others like China Daily And People’s Daily Continue to use Tibet. The Chinese Foreign Ministry began using Xizang in early 2022.

Early signs of change may indicate a more wholesale change in the context of Tibet. We do not have enough evidence to prove that a radical change is underway.

China’s declining economic prospects have been in the news for some time. But now the yuan, also known as the renminbi, has hit a record low against the dollar.

“The yuan fell to a record low against the dollar offshore, while its onshore rate was around levels not seen since the 2008 financial crisis,” Bloomberg said. informed of, The weakening of the yuan could be due to two reasons, the rising inflation of the US Federal Reserve and the tightening of China’s economy.

Read also: China wants its military to develop the capability to occupy Taiwan by 2027

China in world news

Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar was in Washington DC last week to address some growing differences over India’s response to the Ukraine war. While in DC, the minister said that relations with China were far from ‘normalised’, as suggested by Sun Weidong, the Chinese ambassador to India.

“No, look, I suppose, if the spokesperson [sic] A MEA had to say something, I would request you to seek comments from the Spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs of the country concerned. Told Jaishankar.

Sun had earlier said “the phase of emergency response since the Galwan Valley incident” and that the border situation was “normalised”.

put the sun too ahead Four Proposals for Sino-India Relations

First, both sides should “Promoting mutual understanding and trust”. Second, win-win cooperation between the two. Third, “proper handling of differences and sensitive issues”. Fourth, “strengthening coordination and cooperation”. These four were vague talking points that China has proposed in the past.

Since the publication of the Integrated Review, the UK has attempted to send a message to the diplomatic community about its internal axis towards the Indo-Pacific. Now, James Cleverley, the new foreign secretary under Prime Minister Liz Truss, has tried to convey the same message in a public address.

“Because China is a major global actor and driver of growth. It has literally lifted millions of people out of poverty. But the lesson I take from watching China throughout my lifetime is that when China follows global rules and norms, When it aligns itself with aggressive countries like Russia – its position in the world suffers. Now China will always have a choice in which direction it wants to go.” Told James Cleverly in Singapore at the Milken Institute’s Asia Summit.

The Pew Research Center’s opinion tracker is one of the more reliable metrics for accessing changing views about China around the world. We know from past Pew surveys that views on China are becoming more and more negative around the world. But we did not know how the negative thoughts connected with Xi Jinping.

now, pew is concluded That under Xi Jinping views about China became negative globally. Sweden, followed by France, tops the list of countries where people “have absolutely no trust” in Xi.

“In both the US and Australia, when respondents were asked an open question about what they thought of China, some highlighted China’s leadership in particular, or Xi in particular,” Told Report.

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The author is a columnist and a freelance journalist, currently pursuing an MSc in International Politics with a focus on China from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He was previously a Chinese media reporter for the BBC World Service. He tweeted @aadilbrar. Thoughts are personal.