Only a narrow self and mind seeks a shrinking monolingual existence: International Booker Shortlisted author Gitanjali Shree

In a historic moment, Gitanjali became the first Indian author to shortlist her work for the Sri International Booker Prize. hindi novel, writ mausoleum translated into english as sand tomb by Daisy Rockwell Mr. is no stranger to literary stardom. His previous novels like Mai and Khali Jag have also been translated into different languages. In an interview with News18, the 64-year-old talks about the importance of languages ​​in a man’s consciousness and why he finds it disgusting when one is pitted against the other. Part:

Congratulations on making it to the shortlist! This is a tremendous achievement. How important do you think this moment is when one thinks of Hindi post-colonial literature?

It is of utmost importance as it also illuminates a wider canvas of Hindi literature by shedding light on a Hindi work. This clearly indicates that there is much that remains unknown and encourages efforts to explore these areas. Additionally it brings a wider non-English South Asian scene to a wider spectrum and that’s so exciting, so important.

You mentioned in an interview how a good translator is not only translating your work but also translating it creatively. Translated version How has been your relationship with the translator himself and is there any room for enrichment after the translation of the prose?

Yes, I stand by it – a translation is not a shadow of the original, but a transcribed work. The translator is no good if his work does not bring the translation to life in its new cultural and linguistic environment. Daisy has done just that, or else many new readers, including those in the Booker world, would not have enjoyed the novel so much that it had to be shortlisted.

My relationship with Daisy and her work has been one of increasing prosperity – once we found our rapport and trust with each other, we chatted back and forth and a wonderfully respected lesson was born.

Of course, prose gets rich in a good translation, but that doesn’t mean a bad text gets rich – a rich text gets rich differently.

English literature from India has been widely read. In a linguistically diverse country like India, do we face the problem of excess? Does a common Indian give up his interest in them and settle for the minimum?

No, why should we settle for the minimum? It is important to live our lineage and let the many streams water our culture. Multilingual multiculturalism is one of the most rich and exciting. There is infinite wealth in pluralism. Only a narrow self and mind would want a shrinking monolingual existence.

The Writ Mausoleum is translated by Daisy Rockwell into the Tomb of the Sands.

Can you tell us a little bit about the writing process and how the Sand Tomb came into existence?

It took me many years to complete it. It is not a simple one-line story, but a whole world of diversity and unity of nature and human and even non-living that breathes life into this work.

There is of course a central story in which many other stories find their way – starting with an old woman who seems to have no interest in living anymore, but who is actually changing herself and her life anew. Surprises everyone. Her character’s dynamics are so developed that she pushes all kinds of boundaries and once she starts nothing can stop her or the story!

India has always had a literary voice. Its literature has inspired the world for centuries. What do you understand by the role of an Indian writer today? Is it still a guiding force?

Let’s be clear on this – it is not a matter of India alone inspiring the world but a matter of interaction between them. Good literature always inspires, but not in an immediately measurable way. It opens up new rich spaces within us, it improves the way we see, be and express ourselves, it makes us more sensitive human beings, it moves with hope and love and humanity.

To make the literature of India and the world more and more available to all.

Do you think that writing only in your indigenous languages ​​has great power?

One writes best in the language with which he is most at home. It should not always be the indigenous language. It can also be an acquired language.

Finally, what does Booker mean to you?

This means great recognition but does not change my primary job which is to write with utmost commitment in solitude.

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